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Daily Challenge Please solve the following without a GDC: None None

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Challenge Please solve the following without a GDC: None None"— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Challenge Please solve the following without a GDC: None None
Increases for x > 0, never decreases Concave down for x > 0, never concave up

2 Questions, Questions Essential Question:
How can the Calculus solve real world problems? Guiding Question: How are derivatives used to optimize real world applications?

3 Homework Review “Problem” homework problems:
22G p585 #1c – f; 2a, c, e, g

4 Mini-Lesson Finding Optimal Solutions:
An optimal solution to a problem may involve finding a function’s maxima or minima Recall the Math vs Monsters project 12 x 18 Cardboard Maximize volume

5 Mini-Lesson Finding Optimal Solutions (Continued):
V = h(12 – 2h)(18 – 2h)  d V = 12(h2 – 10h + 18) dh And, setting the first derivative = 0 h = 5  √7 = , 2.35 But  d2 V = 24h – 120 dh2 so V”(2.35) < 0 V”(7.64) > 0  a local max  a local min

6 Mini-Lesson Finding Optimal Solutions (Continued): Note:

7 Mini-Lesson Graph It! Test for Conditions:
Given: near x = a, f ‘(a) = 0; First Derivative Sign Diagram Test : Or, if you can, Graph It! Second Derivative Test :

8 Mini-Lesson Optimization Problem Solution Method:

9 Mini-Lesson Optimization Problems – Example:

10 Group Work Please solve the following without a GDC: 0 ≤ x ≤ 200/
P = 2r + 2L 400 = 2x + 2L or L = x But 0 ≤ L ≤ 200 Since L > 0, x < 200  0 ≤ x ≤ 200/ A = r2 + 2xL = x2 + 2xL = x2 + 2x(200 - x) = x x - 2x2  A = 400x - x2 A’(x) = x Setting = 0, x = 200/  and L = 0. Since A ‘(x): + → - around 200/  Max is a circle!

11 Homework Textbook: Please read 22H p587 – 596 Please do exercises:
Journal: Please answer the Guiding Question.

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