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6th Grade World Geography

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1 6th Grade World Geography
Why Study History? 6th Grade World Geography

2 So…why do we study history?
Is History Useful? It doesn’t help build schools, fight fires, perform operations, help sell merchandise, or launch a space shuttle. So…why do we study history?

3 Why We Study History. (M.I)
People live in the present. They plan for and worry about the future. History, however, is the study of the past. (write this) Many also believe that, through studying history, we have less of a chance of repeating it. History offers a lot of information about how people and societies behave or react to certain situations. 

4 History Helps Us Understand Our World (M.I)
You cannot understand people if you do not understand their past You cannot understand our community if you do not know how it came to be/ how it got there You cannot understand out world or country without history “To be ignorant of the past is to remain a child.” Cicero (Roman Philosopher)

5 History Gives Us Identity (M.I)
Studying history gives people a sense of nationalism or pride for where they are from. Gives certain ethnic groups, schools, communities, cultures a sense of identity. It gives family and personal identity as well. This is how we can tell and understand how and why people are different. It helps us to understand people.

6 History Helps Us To:(M.I)
Understand current world affairs and conflicts by understanding the root of the problems Provides support for why people make certain decisions/ why they do the things they do.

7 How we understand history (M.I)

8 The Detective (M.I) Investigates the past Determines what happened
Separates truth from lies Tries to make sure everything is as close to the truth as possible

9 The Storyteller (M.I) Tells the story of history to others
Teaches and leaves behind lessons, morals, and other learning of history Is able to bring history to life by talking about it

10 The Judge (M.I) Judges history and makes moral decisions. Example: was someone evil or just misunderstood? Decides what should be remembered and what should be forgotten

11 The Philosopher (Thinker)
Reflects on right and wrong Thinks about important questions and tries to pull out meaning from history Not only thinks on the lessons of the past, but also may try to predict the future

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