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Mentor training.

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1 Mentor training

2 What has been your trainee’s biggest success?
How well is your trainee prepared to teach as they approach the last phase of their training? Do you know the impact of your trainee’s teaching on pupil progress? What areas of your trainee’s teaching still needs development and how are you supporting this?

3 Some things to try……… To promote behaviour management skills Jointly observing a teacher who is developing their behaviour management skills themselves to discuss techniques used Jointly observe the class with a different teacher to observe how they are managing their behaviour Support the delivery of the ‘sabotage lesson’ (Teacher toolkit –Paul Ginnis) and monitor progress of the class To promote assessment skills Co-plan the assessment within the lesson for each activity and discuss the possible information which might come out of this Observe sections of the lesson and give feedback Parrot on the shoulder style coaching to model and prompt afl within the lesson and show the trainee how to use this Discuss marking and strategies to promote feed-forwards and review Check they have marked their books ! To promote good differentiation Support the trainee to plan differentiated homework – model differentiation for them Co-plan differentiated activities Get trainees to compare exam questions on the same content from GCSE and A level

4 Aims To reflect on the progress of our trainees so far and on actions planned to support them further To understand the OFSTED process and prepare for aspects of our first visit

5 The Ofsted process A two part inspection Part 1 within the Summer term of the training year Part 2 in the Autumn term of the NQT year Notification of inspection will come in (usually) on Thursday by 9:30am and there will be 2 working days notice. Inspectors will arrive on the Tuesday following the phone call. Judgements will be made about the provision under the following headings: Outcomes for trainees Quality of training across the partnership Leadership and management of the partnership Overall effectiveness There will be no judgement made until the part 2 has been completed.

6 During the inspection inspectors might:
Gather evidence and scrutinise paperwork Compare their observations with records of performance and other observations Talk to trainees about their teaching Seek trainee’s views about their training and their engagement in their own professional development Look at trainee portfolio Observe a trainee teach with the mentor and watch the mentor give feedback Meet with mentors Meet with trainee committees Meet with strategic committees

7 You have been given a copy of the Ofsted briefing 4 with proposed Ofsted questions on it. Within pairs come up with answers to these questions.

8 How has our partnership ensured these areas are effective?
Some key areas : Subject knowledge Recruitment and selection Numeracy and literacy How well prepared the trainee is to teach/ impact on pupil progress How has our partnership ensured these areas are effective?

9 Some key things Subject knowledge is enhanced in three ways: The subject mentor during mentor meetings (which is why our lesson observation pro-forma has a section about subject knowledge) Through the subject input from the Princes’ Teaching institute or NELTA training Through the subject seminars which are designed to encourage mentors to work with us and the trainee on aspects of subject knowledge that are difficult. Evidence of pupil progress which will need to be used to make judgements about ability to teach: Test or assessment scores SIMS data Marking in books and feed-forwards Assignments Literacy and numeracy skills are enhanced in the following ways; A full extended study day on literacy and numeracy Through selected toolkit sessions which work on oracy, using your voice During subject mentoring and subject seminars to promote the use of literacy and numeracy in your subject

10 Salaried trainees were interviewed at the employing school with a member of their departmental team and/or SLT. The interview process included the following: Group task (if there was a group) Written task Lesson experience/ lesson observation Formal interview Mini-lesson episode presentation


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