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Chemistry Notes: The History of the Atom

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1 Chemistry Notes: The History of the Atom
All matter is composed of elements Element’s are made out of atoms that determine the elements’ physical and chemical properties. Atoms are so tiny that they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

2 The ideas about the structure of atoms changed throughout the centuries:
Scientists used indirect evidence to determine how atoms were put together. 1808 – John Dalton theorized that atoms were solid masses containing no particles. 1897 – J.J. Thompson suggested that the electrons in atoms were scattered within a positively charged fluid.

3 1911 – Ernest Rutherford and H. G. J
1911 – Ernest Rutherford and H.G.J. Moseley proposed that atoms contained a nucleus of positively charged matter with electrons orbiting the nucleus. 1913 – Niels Bohr determined that electrons aren’t randomly located around the nucleus. Electrons move in specific layers or shells. Since scientists’ understanding of an atom’s structure is that the nucleus contains protons and neutrons surrounded by “clouds” of electrons rather than electrons staying in shells.

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