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Roaming timings and PMK lifetime

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1 Roaming timings and PMK lifetime
March 2003 Roaming timings and PMK lifetime Tim Moore Microsoft Tim Moore, Microsoft

2 Roaming timing 2 APs with same SSID Associate to one AP
March 2003 Roaming timing 2 APs with same SSID Channel 1 and channel 11 Management packets at 1Mbps Data packets at 11Mbps Short preamble was used Associate to one AP Force roam to other AP Some timings with no data and some with data flowing Capture packets using Airopeek Timings based on Airopeek timestamp Airopeek can measure duration between packets, not time to send a packet Checked by tracing supplicant: user mode and kernel timing Station PIII 1200MHz, Broadcom 11b MiniPCI NIC PIII, Intersil 11b PCMCIA NIC APs 125MHz MIPS, Broadcom 11b 160MHz ARM9, Intersil 11b Tim Moore, Microsoft

3 Timings (Milliseconds)
March 2003 Timings (Milliseconds) Message Client AP Total Auth > 0 Auth < Re-ass Request > Re-ass Response < Message < Message > Message < Message > Group < Group > Note: Times after first round of testing and improvements Note: Times are total elapsed time Intersil times similar, slightly longer to re-associate (2-4ms), longer to respond to Message 3 (11ms) Tim Moore, Microsoft

4 Timing notes Message 1 variation: AP transmits data packets Message 2:
March 2003 Timing notes Message 1 variation: AP transmits data packets Since AP is scheduling packets, AP can avoid this Message 2: No scheduling delay on receive: already processing media connect Scheduling of transmit (~8ms) Message 4: Scheduling of receive Scheduling of transmit Group 2 variation: Mac retransmissions seen Debug tracing on supplicant affects timing Turned off for best times AP message processing much faster than client i.e. times are not crypto bound, they are scheduling delays Long delay (120ms) in client on first association with a NIC Supplicant processing Roaming not affected Difference in AES key wrap/HMAC-SHA1 to TKIP key wrap/HMAC-MD5 too small to notice Tim Moore, Microsoft

5 Key management delays OS scheduling delays
March 2003 March 2003 Key management delays OS scheduling delays Data packets interleaved between key management messages 40% < 40 octets: 0.2ms 80% < 600 octets: 1ms 85% < 1400 octets: 1.7ms Times doesn’t include acks Times approximate since Airopeek doesn’t measure transmission time VoIP systems should use e to prioritize EAPOL-Key messages EAPOL-Key messages < 200 octets Data times does not include acks Tim Moore, Microsoft Tim Moore, Microsoft

6 Summary Authentication/association
March 2003 Summary Authentication/association 2-4ms <50ms roaming time using 4-way handshake Not including Group acknowledgement Total time pairwise and group keys to supplicant ms Removing supplicant scheduling delays ms Crypto is a small amount of the key handshake time Issues found in all implementations looked at First round of improvements ~35%-90% depending on the implementation Still have another 25%-45% improvement Note: IP duplicate address detection is 3 seconds Tim Moore, Microsoft

7 March 2003 PMK Lifetime Except for pre-auth and PSK, 4-way and group key always preceded by 802.1X auth Can we skip 802.1X in other cases? PMK from 802.1X may have a lifetime supplied PMK is discarded on disassociate even if lifetime has not expired PMK from PSK has no lifetime Lifetime is when user changes the PSK 4-way handshake exchanges two 32 octet nonces Entropy of initial PMK 80 bits for EAP-TLS 2^256 4-way handshakes before PTK reuse Less because Nonces start from Random number on system start Less because generate a 256bit key to 2^128 4-way handshake on association/re-association Years of associations with a PMK before PTK reuse Cache PMKs and use 4-way handshake for PMK authentication and fresh PTKs Tim Moore, Microsoft

8 PMK caching Supplicant and Authenticator cache PMK
March 2003 PMK caching Supplicant and Authenticator cache PMK Reduces current authentication load on Authentication Servers Bad roaming decisions Edge of radio range Load balancing ~50% authentications at MS within Windows group are due to supplicants roaming for one of the above reasons Examination of a week of ~5000 authentications a day 5 clients: auths/day, 1000 clients: 2-10 auths/day Reduces AS load from pre-authentication Reduces need for pre-authentication to only when supplicant/authenticator doesn’t already have PMK for AP Always use PMK if available and only re-authenticate when PMK expires or is not available Reduces roaming times to ~20-40ms when PMK available Increased system reliability if AS is not available Tim Moore, Microsoft

9 PMK cache MAC address for PMK 6 bytes PMK value 32 bytes
March 2003 PMK cache MAC address for PMK 6 bytes PMK value bytes PMK lifetime (sec) 4 bytes Authentication server attributes N bytes VLAN id, etc. PMK start time (sec) 4 bytes PMK last time used (sec) 4 bytes ~50 bytes per PMK Supplicant doesn’t get PMK lifetime from AS Tim Moore, Microsoft

10 PMK cache size (Normal MS building)
March 2003 PMK cache size (Normal MS building) Tim Moore, Microsoft

11 PMK cache size (Conference center)
March 2003 PMK cache size (Conference center) Tim Moore, Microsoft

12 Use of PMK caching 1 bit in RSN IE capabilities
March 2003 Use of PMK caching 1 bit in RSN IE capabilities Authenticator sets bit in Beacon and probe response: Supports PMK caching Supplicant set bit in assoc request: PMK available for the AP’s MAC address Authenticator on receiving association request If (PMK available bit is set and PMK for station is in cache) or PSK Respond with Message 1 of 4-way handshake Else Respond with EAP-Request/Identity Supplicant is authenticated and PMK lifetime is X% expired, authenticator sends EAP-Request/Identity to re-authenticate the supplicant and get a new PMK Tim Moore, Microsoft

13 March 2003 Use of PMK cache Supplicant and Authenticator can delete PMKs at any time e.g. when cache full Authenticator must delete PMK at end of lifetime Supplicant deletes PMK on failed 4-way handshake PMK in cache updated when 802.1X completes successfully Multiple PMKs per MAC address are not required Limitation is that only works with pre-auth or normal 802.1X auth, doesn’t work with any of the fast auth schemes Tim Moore, Microsoft

14 Authentication load 1000 clients -> 5000 authentications per day
March 2003 Authentication load 1000 clients -> 5000 authentications per day Every roam is an authentication 50% is bad roaming decisions, see earlier Of remainder majority are between 9am and 10.30am at users office Rest of authentications are mobile users and PMK timeout (2 hours) PMK lifetime > 8 hour < 24 hours Bad roaming decisions doesn’t need AS Mobile users doesn’t need AS for home location PMK lifetime > 24 hours Start of day authentication doesn’t need AS Roaming to home locations doesn’t need AS Tim Moore, Microsoft

15 March 2003 Flushing PMKs If PMKs are cached in APs for long periods of time, how to manage the PMKs Use draft-chiba-radius-dynamic-authorization Defines how RADIUS servers can send messages to APs to terminate sessions Tim Moore, Microsoft

16 MIB variables PMK lifetime re-authentication period PMK max lifetime
March 2003 MIB variables PMK lifetime re-authentication period 1 octet, percentage of PMK lifetime Default 50% PMK max lifetime 4 octets in seconds Default 0xffffffff, lifetime from AS Tim Moore, Microsoft

17 PMK caching and fast roaming
March 2003 PMK caching and fast roaming Fast authentication needs a PMK cache Cache can be filled in by the AS rather than via 802.1X authentication through the AP draft-aboba-pppext-key-problem-06.txt recommends using a different part of MSK for fast roaming key derivation Allows fast roaming without affecting current key derivation Different PMKs for each AP for each 802.1X authentication Cache will need to hold PMK and multiple fast roaming PMKs per AP MAC address Synchronization problem with fast roaming PMK (PMK-1) Sync problem doesn’t exist with PMKs via auth or pre-auth A station updates PMK via 802.1X, time delay before PMK-1 is updated by AS So station doesn’t know to use old or new PMK-1 on a roam Tim Moore, Microsoft

18 Roam here should use PMK-1/2 PMK-0’ PMK-1’/2 PMK-0’
March 2003 STA AP1 AP2 AS PMK-0 PMK-0 PMK-1/2 PMK-1/2 Roam here should use PMK-1/2 PMK-0’ PMK-1’/2 PMK-0’ PMK-0’’ PMK-0’’ PMK-1’’/2 Roam here may use PMK-1/2 or PMK-1’/2 or PMK-1’’/2 Since station doesn’t know which revision of PMK-1/2 has be delivered to AP2 by the AS Tim Moore, Microsoft

19 Issues How is the revision number allocated?
March 2003 Issues How is the revision number allocated? AS has to specify revision number to AP since it generates the PMK-1s How is the revision number consistent between station and AS? Across restarts? Does the revision number need to passed in the EAP method? Hash of the PMK could be used as the PMK-1 identity Need a RADIUS attribute to carry PMK-1 identity to AP How many revisions should the station cache? Does station really need to cache all PMKs until the PMK lifetime expires? Cache only the last PMK and require full 802.1X handshake if not available? Tim Moore, Microsoft

20 Key derivation From keying-problem IETF draft PMK0 = MSK(0,31)
March 2003 Key derivation From keying-problem IETF draft PMK0 = MSK(0,31) Current Radius key derivation MSK(32,63) is already used PMK1-X = PRF(EMSK(0, 31), “Roaming PMK” PMK0 || AP-X-MAC-Address || STA-MAC-Address) Note EMSK = MSK(64, 127) Tim Moore, Microsoft

21 Key Identifier AES(PMK0/1, 0) 0 is a 32 bit number
March 2003 Key Identifier AES(PMK0/1, 0) 0 is a 32 bit number Output is a 32 bit number, identifier of PMK Tim Moore, Microsoft

22 PMK processing Associate request contains AP response
March 2003 PMK processing Associate request contains PMK identifier Add an 4 octet field for the PMK identifier to the RSN IE AP response If PMK identifier supplied and PMK for identifier available Message 1 of 4-way handshake Else EAP-Request/Identity Station chooses identifier of PMK it wants to use Add identity to PMK cache Tim Moore, Microsoft

23 Question An IRTF group is being proposed to look at fast roaming
March 2003 Question An IRTF group is being proposed to look at fast roaming Do we define this or wait until IRTF completes? Tim Moore, Microsoft

24 March 2003 Motion Motion to incorporate section “Version 1 PMK caching” from document ar0-I-PMK_lifetime_and_caching.doc into i draft to support PMK caching Overview of PMK caching 1 bit in IE capabilities and description of its use Description of processing required MIB variables to control PMK caching Tim Moore, Microsoft

25 March 2003 Motion Motion to incorporate section “Version 2 PMK caching including fast authentication” from document ar0-I-PMK_lifetime_and_caching.doc into i draft to support PMK caching and fast authentication Overview of PMK caching PMK identifier in IE capabilities and description of its use Description of processing required Description of generation of PMK identifiers Description of key derivation for PMKs to authenticators other than original Authenticator MIB variables to control PMK caching Tim Moore, Microsoft

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