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The Hoatzin Bird 奇怪的鸟 选自《多维阅读第11级》.

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1 The Hoatzin Bird 奇怪的鸟 选自《多维阅读第11级》

2 Do you know about some strange birds?
Why do you think they are strange?

3 What do you notice about this bird?

4 What’s so strange about this bird?

5 Read pages 2-3 and answer. 1. What do you think makes the hoatzin bird look strange? 2. What other things do you think could be strange about this bird?  bright red eyes a tuft of red feathers blue skin

6 Read pages 4-7 and answer. 1. Why do people call them “flying cows”?
2. Why do people call them “stinkbirds”? 图片来源:必应

7 Read pages 8-9 and answer. 1. What picture did you get in your head when you read “from twigs that are as big as pencils”? 2. What else could you say the twigs are like? 图片来源:必应

8 Read pages and answer. There are many predators, like_______.

9 Discuss in groups. 1. How do the hoatzin birds scare their predators away? 2. If the yucky smell is not enough, what will they do?

10 Discuss in groups. Why do you think the hoatzin chick would jump out of the nest? How do you think this helps it? 图片来源:必应

11 Read pages 14-17 and answer. Why are claws on wings strange?
What do you think might happen to the chick if it doesn’t have claws on wings? 图片来源:必应

12 Some scientists think it could be related to a dinosaur. Do you agree?

13 Discuss and complete the mind map.

14 Discribe the appearence.
This is a hoatzin bird. It has …

15 Think about it. 1. Do you think “flying cows” and “stinkbirds” are suitable names for these birds? Why? 2. Do you have some other names for them? Tell your reasons. 图片来源:必应

16 Think about it. How do you think nests hanging over the water would stop predators? Hoatzin birds build their nests from ___ that are as big as ____. Like for many other birds, these nests are a place for them to __________.

17 Discuss in groups. Why does the author use “amazing” to describe the trick? Do you think so? 图片来源:必应 What other birds do you know that have tricks to scare away predators? What are their tricks?

18 List out the important and interesting facts about the hoatzin bird.
Important Facts Interesting Facts

19 Assignment. Option 1: 完善并运用思维导图,向全班介绍麝雉,可以通过查阅资料来丰富介绍内容。
Option 2: 仿照文本,查阅资料,写写其它奇特的鸟,如flamingo, kiwi bird, hummingbird, ostrich等。

20 Thank you!

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