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SF language…. is it different

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1 SF language….is it different? PAUL Hanton Aotearoa/NZ SF Practice conference, 2018

2 If the language is different, how and why do we use it?
If the language is different, how and why do we use it? This workshop proposes that the nuances of SF language are different to that used by many other therapeutic models, and that there are clear reasons for this. By the way, you don’t have to agree 

3 Opening meetings (Some examples)
Opening meetings (Some examples) CBT (I am no expert on this ) Generic counselling SF Notes If you can identify what you want to change about your situation, we can then take steps to correct the problem How can I be helpful? What are your best hopes from our time together Locus of control rests on client agenda What brings you to this clinic? What issues would you like to focus on in our work together? What brings you here today? What are your best hopes from therapy Focus is on time outside of therapy Problems are best described in terms of symptom frequency (How often does the symptom occur?), intensity (How mild or severe is it?) and functional impact (What influence does the symptom have on daily functioning or general distress?). What would it look like if you were less……. Cully, J.A., & Teten, A.L A Therapist’s Guide to Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Department of Veterans Affairs South Central MIRECC, Houston. Questions focusing on the development of a therapeutic relationship Questions focused on symptom alleviation or absence of problems Variations of preferred future questions..such as.. Miracle/wonderful question What will be happening when you no longer need to come here? Focus on solution building and what will be happening ‘instead’ Focus on how someone will know when it is time to stop, themselves

4 Recognition of work to be done
Recognition of work to be done Can you tell me about times when? – exceptions (to problem) or instances of preferred future (even small parts) happening already These are ‘prompt’ questions that ‘invite’ a observational description of desired difference and differences that have happened, or are already happening.

5 Change talk Whilst we are not ‘seeking’ to change someone or their behaviour(s), we invite them to tell us what change looks like. What do you need to do? – Behavioural, possibly confrontational, emphasis on convincing the therapist, action oriented, related to ‘problem’. For instance CBT will have a focus on challenging maladaptive thoughts, beliefs and behaviours SFBT: What will it look like when? Observational, imaginative, inviting, descriptive, interactional, related to preferred future, best hopes.

6 Another language ‘change’ question
Another language ‘change’ question “And what difference would that make (to you, to others etc.)?” Assumes completion and is observational and relational…so ‘when it is different’

7 Try this? In pairs pick an example you can both relate to, something like, getting more exercise. The first one to ask only ‘what will you?’ do questions, the other to ask, ‘what will it look like?’, or ‘what difference would that make?’ Questions.


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