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Execution of Louis XVI On June 21, 1791 the royal family tried to flee France They were caught and returned to Paris He signed the Constitution.

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4 Execution of Louis XVI On June 21, 1791 the royal family tried to flee France They were caught and returned to Paris He signed the Constitution but proceeded to veto key pieces of revolutionary decrees A new, more radical government, was popularly elected in September 1792 They declared war on Austria (to remove all Kings from Europe) September Massacres occurred

5 Marie was executed in October 1793
By November, incriminating royal documents were found showed that Louis was negotiating with the enemy His plan was to reclaim his throne abolish the Constitution The National Convention overwhelmingly voted to convict Louis of treason He was sentenced to death (by one vote) and was guillotined in January, 1793 Marie was executed in October 1793

6 By 1794, France was at war against every major power in Europe
The National Convention was led by Maximilian Robespierre He called for drastic action to save France Fervent patriotism swept across the country; an army of 1 million defeated European powers

7 Established 1792 as year 1 of the new France
Robespierre wanted to train the French of the ‘virtues’ of the new French Republic Established 1792 as year 1 of the new France Created a new calendar with new days and weeks Set up a new court that was responsible only to him Tried citizens who were against the revolution


9 Crimes ranged from saying “Down with the Revolution” to owning a book with the King’s seal on it
Those convicted faced the guillotine More than 40,000 died over a 2 year period By 1794, he had killed most of his own supporters The Reign of Terror ended with Robespierre’s execution 1794

10 Due tomorrow Using no more than 50 words, and no less than 30 words, describe what France needs next robespierre

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