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Smooshed Face Self-Portraits 2 Days

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1 Smooshed Face Self-Portraits 2 Days
Studio Mrs. Lyon 2017

2 Find your picture Find your printed off image from a few classes ago If you don’t have one, wait till after the mini-lecture and we’ll print off a picture for you

3 Self-Portriat Review Eye Ear Nose Mouth Proportions of the Human Face

4 Eye



7 Ear 1

8 Ear 2

9 Ear 3

10 Mouth 3





15 Human Head Proportions

16 Proportions of the Face




20 Studio Time: Smooshed Face Selfie DUE at the end of class
Using the printed off image Draw your smooshed face Using shading pencils (if you want to use color use contrasting colors) Focus on proportions and ratios Having at least 5 tones of graphite or contrasting colors Reminder: Please make sure to pay your art fee, we will be using sketchbooks next term for our 19 day project Done Early? Start your next project – Duality Painting! This will also be a two day project

21 Clean-Up Remember: Table area must be cleaned before you can leave
All things put back where you found them Thanks for keeping the studio space clear of clutter so you can fill it with your creativity!

22 Citations Art Factory eye.htm Found images on for slides about drawing eye, nose, ear, mouth, and face proportions

23 AP Art You should have 9 pieces done, we are almost half way! Check off where you are at on the whiteboard Take pictures of anything new you have finished, just incase you misplace your sketchbook Look through your images, does it tell a visual story How can your strengthen your visual story? Face painting Friday night earned $40- nice work Raquel and Taylor

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