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Were there weaknesses in the League’s organisation?

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1 Were there weaknesses in the League’s organisation?
The League of Nations Were there weaknesses in the League’s organisation?

2 The optimist point of view in 1920s
We think the League of Nations will succeed because of: Its determined ideas and aims Its aims are really convincing because we all want, for example, the improvement of the living and working conditions all around the world, or to encourage countries to co-opeate, especially in business and trade. Every country will co-operate.

3 Membership of the League
France, Britain, Italy, Japan, Germany, USSR (most important) and more than 50 other countries. The USA never joined because of “internal” problems and changes in their country. Britain and France were the most important countries that joined the League. Any decision or action needed their support because of the power they had there over the other countries and because they were the ones that first joined the League of Nations after the Treaty of Versailles.

4 The main bodies inside the League and what they could do within it.

5 The secretariat kept records of League meetings and prepared reports. They were in charge of covering areas such as health, disarmament and economic matters.

6 The Council Could decide which country was the aggressor and which country was to blame. Also they were in charge of solving the problems between countries. They could refuse to trade with the aggressor in a dispute.

7 The Assembly Could recommend action to the council and vote on:
Admitting new members to the League Appointing temporary members of the Council The budget of the League Other ideas put foward the Council

8 The permanent Court of International Justice
If it was asked, the Court would give a decision and opinion on a dispute between two countries. It gave legal advice to the Assembly of the Council.

9 The International Labour Organisation (ILO)
They were in charge of improving the conditions of working people throughout the world.

10 The League of Nations Commissions
It was divided into 4 smaller groups The Mandates Commissions: It made sure they didin’t focus only on their own interests The Refugees Committee: This helped to return the people who had escaped from their own country because of the war

11 The Slavery Commission: This worked to abolish slavery all around the world
The Health Committee: It dealed with the problem of dangerous diseases and to aducate people about health and sanitation

12 The decisions (each body)
The assembly: The decisions had to be agreed by all its members The permanent Court of International Justice the Court would give a decision on a border dispute between two countries.

13 The Secretariat: marked decisions about health, disarmament and economic matters in the world.
The League of Nations Commissions: It marked decisions with disputes between its members

14 How the League will enforce its decisions
Refugees: It got refugees and form prisioners of war back to their homelands Working Conditions: It introduced a resolution for a maximum 48 hour-week, and an eight-hour day. Health: It worked to defeat lepra, mosquitoes, yellow fever and cases of malaria.

15 Transport: It recommended to mark shipping lanes and produce an international highway code for rood users. Social Problems: It tried to reduce and abolish drug trade (illegal) and reduce the death rate among the African workers. It tried to remove social injustice, and it provide information on problems such as drug trafficking, prostitution and slavery

16 Cartoons Our idea was to talk with an optimist point of view about the League of Nations but, as we all know, it was weak and it failed and that’s shown in the following cartoons.

17 This cartoon addresses the doubts expressed by critics about nations cooperating in the League of Nations.

18 This cartoon shows how weak the League of Nations was
This cartoon shows how weak the League of Nations was. It is represented with a rabbit which, next to the big snake, is very very weak.

19 Some critics of the League of Nations declared that its political mechanisms would not fit into the United States governing principles. If you look carefully, both pieces can’t get together and make one piece.

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