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English /26/18 Respond to poetry video.

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1 English 10 - 11/26/18 Respond to poetry video.
If you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry? Wonk – slang for someone who studies excessively. “Know” spelled backwards. Goals – Introduce Poetry Out Loud. Homework – Begin selection of 4 poems from Poetry Out Loud web site. Print them! Don’t forget to study for quiz #11 Friday. One liner.

2 English 10 - 11/27/18 Watch and respond to “Scott.”
What is the world’s hungriest animal? Autology – the scientific study of oneself. Goals – Work on Tone shifts. Find poems. Homework – Find and print at least two poems by tomorrow for points. Don’t forget to study for quiz #11 Friday. A turkey; it just gobble, gobble , gobbles!

3 English /28/18 Listen to and mark Rondeau by Leigh Hunt. Then respond on your opener. Why did the atoms cross the road? Ululate – to howl or hoot. Goals – Look at how tone shifts multiple times in a poem. Analyze first poem. Homework – Find and print at least two poems by tomorrow for points. Prepare to get them approved by annotating parts on your two favorites. It was time to split.

4 English /29/18 Listen to and mark “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night.” Find and mark at least two units of meaning. Then respond on your opener. Did you hear about the corduroy pillows? Tintinnabulation – The sound of bells ringing. Goals – Poem approvals. Map the tone of your poem. Homework – Write out your poem on your daily work sheet. Try to get a significant part memorized. Random recital and reading with informal evaluation will be occurring tomorrow after quiz 11. Don’t forget to study for quiz 11. They are making headlines aren’t they?

5 English 10 - 11/30/18 Five minutes to prepare for Vocab. #11.
Why did the cookie visit the doctor? Tinnitus – a ringing sound in the head. Goals –Complete vocabulary study #11. Recite/Read your poems with partners. Poem approval. Homework – Practice saying your first poem from memory. Write your poem a least once on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He felt crumby.

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