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Appreciative Inquiry.

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Presentation on theme: "Appreciative Inquiry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appreciative Inquiry

2 Organisations are problems to be solved

3 “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness
that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” Albert Einstein

4 What you want more of ………exists somewhere

5 study excellence

6 Appreciative Inquiry Process
Discovery What’s happening now? Dream What could the future be? Destiny Constructing the future Design a vision that we value and aspire to

7 appreciative interviews A

8 Think about a time when you were really engaged in and excited about building an inclusive curriculum. Tell me a story about that time. What was happening? What were you feeling? What made it a great moment? What were others doing that contributed to this moment? (In your faculty/department, in other faculties and departments....) What did you contribute to this great moment? What is it about the University that allows good use of technology to support your learning? Describe your vision for the future for building an inclusive curriculum at the university?

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