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Presentations May 23 – 25, 2005 Portland, Maine For related information visit:

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1 Presentations May 23 – 25, 2005 Portland, Maine For related information visit:

2 Quicksilver Caucus: Leadership from the States Arleen ODonnell Deputy Commissioner for Policy and Planning Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

3 The Quicksilver Caucus A coalition of state environmental association leaders Members ASDWA ASIWPCA ASTSWMO ECOS NPPR STAPPA/ALAPCO

4 Quicksilver Caucus Perspective Mercury is a multi-media environmental problem that requires holistic solutions Common ground needs to be built for addressing mercury in the environment Mercury is a serious national issue and a priority to many states >600,000 newborns each year at risk Health impacts alone of $2.2.- $44.0 billion/ year Fish consumption advisories in 45 states/ nationally State leadership on many issues

5 State Leadership on Mercury 45 states sufficiently concerned to complete a lengthy QSC survey on state mercury activities 16 states have action plans addressing mercury; 6 more have plans to or an interest in developing one. Many states addressing the problem regionally and cooperatively: NEG-ECP Mercury Action Plan Great Lakes Bi-national Strategy Interstate Mercury Education and Reduction Clearinghouse

6 Examples of State Leadership on Mercury Air Emissions: Many states have adopted regulations on mercury sources much more stringent than required by EPA: Trash Incinerators: typically 3-fold more stringent (e.g. all NE states; NJ; MN) Coal-fired utilities: e.g. MA, CT require much steeper reductions than EPA Medical waste incinerators: 10+- fold more stringent (e.g. NE states, NJ)

7 More Examples of State Leadership on Mercury Mercury-added Products Batteries: Federal legislation in 1996 was preceded by legislative action in 13 states Switches, relays and other products: Labeling, phase-outs and take-back provisions now in force in many states across the US. No federal action. Dental sector: Many states/municipalities now require amalgam separators. No federal requirements.

8 New England Governors/ E. Canadian Premiers Mercury Action Plan: An Example of Multi-state Cooperation: Binational plan addressing mercury pollution. Unanimously adopted in 1998 by Governors and Premiers. All NE states/E. Canadian Provinces Goals 2003: 50% reduction from regional sources 2010: 75% reduction Long-term: virtual elimination By 2003: 54% reduction achieved regionally; about 70% in MA

9 Mercury Reductions in New England and E. Canadian Provinces

10 Formation of the QSC Individual state and regional actions ECOS resolution - 1996 ECOS mercury workshop - 2000 Policy framework - 2001 Compendium of State Mercury Activities - 2001 Formation of the Quicksilver Caucus

11 Early Activities: 2001 ECOS resolutions Mercury retirement and stockpiling Need for articulation of a national vision for mercury On multi-pollutant strategies for the control of air pollution Need for better approaches than TMDLs to address fish consumption advisories due to deposition of mercury. Letter to DOD about EIS related to mercury storage Letter to EPA about national strategy

12 Early Activities: 2002-2003 Partnered with EPA on TMDLs: need for alternatives, flexibility and a national mercury reduction strategy Resolution: The Need for a National Mercury Reduction Strategy as an Option for Atmospheric Mercury Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Stewardship: formal comments on DOD EIS; completion of reports addressing: Storage of Mercury Best Management Practices Mercury Commodity Review Market Policy Options

13 Early Activities: 2002-2003 EPAs National Mercury Action Plan: states advocated for comprehensive national plan International efforts: UNEP Mercury Programme Involved in UNEP Conference Second Mercury Workshop

14 Current Activities 2004-2005 Four priority areas: Multi-media and alternative approaches for mercury-based TMDLs Stewardship Safe disposal of mercury wastes Decrease the global supply and demand for mercury

15 Current Activities 2004-2005 Compendium of State Mercury Activities Survey of states – 45 responded Create compendium based on responses TMDLs and Air Emissions Alternative TMDL proposals ECOS resolution on mercury emissions rule Vehicle switches EPA-sponsored stakeholder group ECOS resolution Report- Mercury Switches: Information and Options for States

16 Current Activities 2004-2005 National Strategy/Roadmap International work UNEP meeting EPA partnerships Stewardship

17 The Future – What Next? Finish Toolbox for states Action plan guidance Product labeling information and guidance Vehicle switch programs Technical workshops International: state success as examples for global action Third mercury workshop

18 More Information Information on the Quicksilver Caucus and ECOS resolutions can be found at

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