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Traffic Management Rok Safety Seminar 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Traffic Management Rok Safety Seminar 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traffic Management Rok Safety Seminar 2007

2 Discussion Points The statistics Why do accidents occur
What is workplace transport The problems Possible solutions Worked examples The golden rules

3 Accident Stats In 2006/ 07,There were 23 fatal Injuries to workers in the construction industry due to falling from height. Of the 23 fatalities, 19 were a result of falling from height of below 2 m,There were 16 fatalities due to being hit by moving or falling object, and 10 from contact with electricity.

4 How do accidents occur people being hit by vehicles
people falling from vehicles objects falling from vehicles on to people vehicles toppling over

5 What is Workplace Transport ?
Any Vehicle or piece of powered mobile work equipment used in the workplace e.g. Cars Vans Forklift trucks Large good vehicles Compact dumpers Tractors Mobile cranes

6 The Problems Lack of space on site Wrong vehicle, plant, equipment
Lack of planning Skills knowledge base Lack of maintenance Poor commitment from service providers

7 What needs to be done Pre work planning Risk assessment carried out
Suitably trained skilled persons Plant & equipment regularly inspected maintained Adequate signage/ lighting Correct plant equipment sourced and used Team meetings, pre work meetings, briefings Direct observation monitoring

8 Potential Solutions separate vehicles and pedestrians
one-way systems to avoid or prevent congestion turning areas consider storage & tipping areas designated parking areas can gate men – banksmen be used effective barriers - warning signs speed limits introduced

9 This could be your children

10 Spot the difference What would you accept ?

11 Is there more that could be done

12 Good or Bad

13 6 Golden Rules Risk assessment “ Must ” be carried out
Work place transport “Must” be planned Segregation “Must” be in place Training and competence not to be overlooked Plant & vehicles maintained Be safe Be Seen

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