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Weekly homework packets will be sent home in your child’s HORSE Folder (Homework Pocket) every Monday and will be due the following Monday. Please sign.

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Presentation on theme: "Weekly homework packets will be sent home in your child’s HORSE Folder (Homework Pocket) every Monday and will be due the following Monday. Please sign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weekly homework packets will be sent home in your child’s HORSE Folder (Homework Pocket) every Monday and will be due the following Monday. Please sign your child’s weekly homework sheet and have your child fill out the rest! Weekly Homework: Read for 20 minutes each night (book from home or school) Math Home Links Handwriting will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays and is due the next day. Optional Practice Practice Practice! MATH FACTS using or flash cards. Optional Weekly Spelling and Word Sort Activities. **Any unfinished work left in your child’s work in progress folder will be sent home on Fridays and is due on Monday.

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