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Use of the Family of International Classifications to support performance reporting for Universal Health Coverage (Poster C703) This poster summarises.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of the Family of International Classifications to support performance reporting for Universal Health Coverage (Poster C703) This poster summarises."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use of the Family of International Classifications to support performance reporting for Universal Health Coverage (Poster C703) This poster summarises the results of the assessment the extent to which the WHO-FIC can be used to support indicators recently proposed for UHC by the WHO and the World Bank and highlights where gaps were found in the WHO-FIC and in the specifications for the proposed indicators. I am presenting on behalf of the co-authors of the paper and we would like to thank you for the opportunity to present this work to everyone and would also acknowledge the valuable contributions of the FDC members in this work so far. Jenny Hargreaves (FDC co-chair, Australian Collaborating Centre) Huib Ten Napel (FDC co-chair, Netherlands Collaborating Centre) Brooke Macpherson (FDC secretary, Australian Collaborating Centre)

2 Universal Health Coverage
Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a global WHO initiative to ensure that everyone who needs health services is able to receive them, without experiencing financial hardship. The FDC have been assessing the extent to which the WHO-FIC can be used to support indicators recently proposed for UHC by the WHO and the World Bank.

3 UHC indicators The WHO and World Bank Group have recently published a framework for tracking country and global progress towards UHC. It provides a basis for assessment of aggregate and equitable coverage of essential health services and financial protection.

4 Twelve illustrative indicators
Twelve illustrative indicators were included in the WHO / World Bank framework. It was these indicators which the FDC members used to assess the extent to which the WHO-FIC can be used to support indicators

5 Assessment method FDC members assigned codes to the 12 indicators
Used three reference classifications (ICD, ICF, ICHI) Focused on the following questions for each indicator: What codes would be used from each reference classification to measure this? Are there any gaps? ICD (2010), the ICF online browser and ICHI alpha2 were used for this analysis.

6 Sample findings – prevention interventions

7 Sample findings – treatment interventions

8 Summary findings Some of the indicators require further detailed definition in order to be accurately captured using the reference classifications Some of the reference classification codes were found to be not specific enough, particularly ICF environmental factor codes.

9 Next Steps The Family Development Committee intends to:
Refine and finalise the coding providing feedback to the WHO about needs for more detailed definitions for the indicators providing information on code gaps to relevant Network committees and the WHO to consider.

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