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Ducks am CST

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1 Ducks 10-20-2018 10 am CST
While there are amazing things about ducks…including their bills, cute lil baby ducks, quacking…ducks are far more interesting and a bit disturbing if you have never looked at their anatomy and reproductive practices. So, as a warning…if you have little ones watching and you don’t want them to learn about duck rapists, homosexual necrophiliacs…probably best to check this stream out later! Ducks am CST

2 Ducks How do they reproduce? What is with their society?
Compared to other birds? How is this an evolution oddity? Ducks

3 Duck Anatomy Females: Fake Vaginas Males: Corkscrew Ballistic Penises

4 Chaos Male ducks have ballistic corkscrew penises that grow in length when it is time to copulate. The length depends entirely on the other male ducks around…essentially becoming a literal penis length contest. Male ducks however tend to be conservative in their penis length when around ducks who have smaller penises then they do. Duck penises do whither over the course of a few weeks. So, male ducks will not “waste” their penis tissue trying to outdo ducks with smaller phalluses. Certain species also shoot their penises into the female ducks as a means to impregnate them. Scientists at Yale are trying to get ducks to shoot their ballistic penises into testubes so they can further study ducks and their reproductive organs. Warning ahead! Penis pic is imminent! I am basically going to give you a *ahem* duck dick pic…

5 Duck Anatomy Males: Corkscrew Ballistic Penises

6 Chaos Ducks are a strange lot of animals. They exhibit counter productive reproductive behaviors and biology that seem to go against positive movement forward in evolution. Male ducks evolved these corkscrew penises in order to keep up with females. Females have passage ways inside their reproductive organs that lead to no where. It is like a twisted maze that can block off areas so males can not access it. Why did females evolve this particular trait?

7 Duck Rapists Male ducks rape…a lot.
Females developed labyrinth vaginas

8 Chaos Now we get into a rough area of duck society…duck rape. Females essentially drive reproduction due to their complex vaginas. Male ducks are very brutal. 3-5 male ducks might gang rape a single female causing severe injury and in some cases, death. To explain the complexity of duck sexual reproduction, Sundance along with *ahem* Green Porno worked with award winning actress Issabella Rossilini to make educational videos on animal reproduction. Let’s take a look at their interpretation of duck sex.

9 Chaos This form of sexual reproduction seems counterintuitive to what would be a positive direction in evolution. Most other birds rub their cloacas together in order to produce children. Ducks are involved in violent sexual practices where their bodies have evolved due to these practices. Female ducks die which means babies are not born. Female ducks developed these complex vaginas due to the rampant duck rape. Males have developed ballistic corckscrew penises in order to keep up with the females. It seems that following the order of the other birds would mean a better chance of a thriving species but ducks seem to continue this sexual behavior which will further drive their body sexual structure formation.

10 Ducks & Gay Homosexuality is common 1500 species of birds exhibit this

11 Chaos Homosexuality is extremely common among bird species. There’s nothing unusual about homosexuality. It is a very natural process. The blue duck extinction is not because of homosexuality. Some news papers report a gay blue duck couple in England are derailing attempts to save their species. It is important to note that these ducks are native to New Zealand and are on the brink of extinction due to stoats and rats devastating the population. Don’t believe the reports you hear that homosexuality derails progress of a species. The extinction of birds is largely due to the activities of humans. We are ushering the next mass extinction…one not seen in millions of years…there have been 5…we are the cause of the sixth. Now let’s shift to something entirely different.

12 Duck Necrophilia Ducks have sex with the dead Tends to be gay ducks
First observed in 1995

13 Chaos The first case of duck necrophilia was observed in 2001 among mallards of the anas platyrhynchos Moelicker from the Nature Museum in Rotterdam reported his findings and added pictures. He witnessed the following and I quote from his paper… “On 5 June 1995 an adult male mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) collided with the glass façade of the Natuurmuseum Rotterdam and died. An other drake mallard raped the corpse almost continuously for 75 minutes. Then the author disturbed the scene and secured the dead duck. Dissection showed that the rape-victim indeed was of the male sex. It is concluded that the mallards were engaged in an ‘Attempted Rape Flight’ that resulted in the first described case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard.” The duck raped the dead duck for 75 minutes. Moelicker did an autopsy on the dead duck confirming it was indeed male.

14 Chaos The Guardian reported that his findings have provoked interest in duck necrophilia as this is not something that is commonly seen…but other cases have been reported in the US within the squirrel population. So, perhaps there are other unusual behaviors in the aniumal kingdom amongst other species…but that is a different episode all together. So what have we learned today?

15 Ducks How do they reproduce? What is with their society?
Compared to other birds? How is this an evolution oddity? Ducks

16 https://www. newscientist
raping-males/ penises-and-corkscrew-vaginas-the-sexual-battles-of-ducks/?user.testname=none nmr/Persberichten/Persberichten/persberichten_2013/DSA8_ pdf repopulation-plan/ earth-deaths-end-times-warning-a html

17 Thank you to my Patrons Toni James Lauren Jenn Carl Melanie Patrick
Graham Dragnaucht Godless Iowan Jennifer Corey Richard Toni James Lauren Jenn Carl Melanie Patrick Daniel Steven Andy Zachary Tony Bo Steven Sarah Chris Paola Tim Keri Circe Keith Duke James

18 You can find me…

19 Ducks 10-20-2018 10 am CST
While there are amazing things about ducks…including their bills, cute lil baby ducks, quacking…ducks are far more interesting and a bit disturbing if you have never looked at their anatomy and reproductive practices. So, as a warning…if you have little ones watching and you don’t want them to learn about duck rapists, homosexual necrophiliacs…probably best to check this stream out later! Ducks am CST

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