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Presentation on theme: "LEAN ENTERPRISE NIGHT!."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda Welcome (group introductions) Message from Sponsor:
Luke Microsoft BizSpark Applying Lean to this Meet-up About Lean Enterprise (Paul) Workshop with Mickael Blanc Feedback Next event…

3 Sponsor’s Message Luke Swetman, Microsoft BizSpark

4 Introductions Name Why you are here? Working on interesting projects?

5 Lean Business Strategies
Our Learning from last event: Good and diverse speakers  Networking, Food and Location  Application to this meet-up More diversity to the group Help group members gain skills Questions for the group: Funding future meet-ups What would you like from future events?

6 Misconceptions on Lean Start-up
“Lean Start-up” is the panacea against company failure Lean means cheap Lean means small Lean is a brand new untested concept

7 Misconceptions - continued
Start-up means it’s for new Internet companies only “Customer Development” is just news-speak for feedback “Customer Development” means you only create what the customer wants “MVP” is half-baked beta version “Pivoting” is simply changing your business model or product

8 Why should Lean apply to Enterprise?

9 You must loop for all three forces

10 5 Ways Big Companies Can Pivot Like Lean Start-ups
Fewer Gates, More Pivots Insight Feeds the Beast Play, Don’t Test It’s all about the Stories Everything is a prototype – Including your company Reference:

11 Lean… Start with your Business Model
Lean… Start with your Business Model !!! The example of the Business Canvas Reflect systematically on your business model and how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together

12 Set-Up A bit about myself What is business modeling
Lean business model Application Q&A

13 What is business Modeling
Business a Model? Business modelling is not a science but an art which is fully based on the skills of the players around the table Five phases Mobilise: Prepare for a successful business model design, get people onboard and gather the right people/experience/knowledge SETTING THE STAGE Understand: Research and analyse elements needed for the business model design effort IMMERSION Design: Be creative and test the viability of different business models options and select the best ENQUIRY Implement: Implement the business model in the field EXECUTION Manage: Continuous process of adapting and modifying the business model in reaction to market evolutions EVOLUTION Implementing the business model in the organisation Strategy Structure Processes Rewards People Culture... Business Model is the precursor to strategy. It defines and describes the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value for itself and its customer segments.

14 Business Modelling canvas
The Business Model canvas is a one-stop tool that gives companies a snapshot of their organisation’ DNA to make better decisions Nine basic building blocks covering the four main areas of a business: customers, offer, infrastructure and financial viability. 3 main questions: what business are you in? how does the company makes money? Who are your customers Why would they buy from you? And advance tool working at different layers Ideal to prepare for internal review (I.e.: human resources, financial reporting, sales management to ensure that they align with the model). Business Model is the precursor to strategy. It defines and describes the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value for itself and its customer segments.

15 Your Business Model Key partners Key activities Value proposition
Costumer relationships Costumer segments Text Key resources Text Channels Cost structure Revenue streams Text Text Text

16 Costumer relationships Costumer segments
Cost structure Revenue streams Key resources Key activities Key partners Value proposition Costumer relationships Costumer segments Channels Text Text

17 BMC and Then Advance tool Online tools and aps
Lean Launch Lab Business Model is the precursor to strategy. It defines and describes the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value for itself and its customer segments.

18 0430547449

19 Next Event Livestream: Lean Start-up Conference!
7.00-am am Tuesday 10th December River City Labs Breakfast, Access to Live Event, Networking


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