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"You don't have to be a stud to be a good wrestler

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1 "You don't have to be a stud to be a good wrestler
"You don't have to be a stud to be a good wrestler...I recruited everybody because anybody can get to a level where they're able to compete if they're willing to put in the time.” -Scott Cardwell, former Oregon State wrestler and Wrestling Coach for Springfield High School in Springfield, Oregon

2 Important Dates: Thursday, November 21- hydration and body fat test after school. The WIAA uses these tests to determine the lowest weight class that your son can wrestle at HEALTHILY. The hydration test makes sure that a wrestler has enough water in his system and the body fat test measures his percentage of body fat.  Monday, November 18th – 1st day of practice Practices will run from We will occasionally get done early depending on the time of year.

3 Important Dates: December 10th – first dual.
Our schedule can be found through the calendar on the LUHS homepage. It is a good idea to sign-up for alerts to changes in schedules for severe weather.  Thursday, January 2nd - Parents’ Night We will be recognizing you as parents for the extra efforts that you make to support your sons. The coaching staff and I appreciate the sacrifices that you make transporting your sons to and from practice, duals, and tournaments.

4 Other Topics: Equipment your son will need will include:
t-shirt, shorts, running shoes, and wrestling shoes. The school will provide all other necessary equipment. Please make sure that your son brings his practice clothes home to be washed on a regular basis. This is important to providing our wrestlers with a safe and sanitary environment to practice.  Please encourage your child to use proper hygiene. This helps to prevent the spread of any communicable diseases such as ringworm, impetigo, staph, etc. They should shower before leaving every night and regularly wash their practice clothes. Please help the coaching staff in reminding athletes to take care of themselves.

5 Other Topics: We would prefer the team to ride together to and from events especially dual meets as this improves team chemistry and team bonding. If it is necessary for you to take your child with you when you leave, please sign a form with the coach before you leave. You may only take your son or the child for which you are legal guardian. We need to encourage wrestling in this community. Wrestling is a great opportunity for young people of all ages, but we need to get the word out there. Talk to people you know and encourage them to get their child involved with wrestling. We are attempting to start an AVW/MHLT middle school wrestling program run after school at the middle school but are desperately in need of coaches. If you know of qualified individuals with the time please contact a member of the coaching staff.

6   The Lakeland wrestling coaching staff is committed to providing a safe, challenging, and enjoyable environment for our wrestling team. We look forward to getting to know you all and to enjoying the success and growth of your sons as a part of the Lakeland wrestling program.

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