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Seeking transformation

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2 Seeking transformation
What we do, and how we do it

3 Why we exist Poverty does more than exhaust, starve, and kill people. It destroys their sense of worth and robs them of the chance to reach their full potential. Tearfund’s call is to follow Jesus where the need is greatest. We do whatever it takes to end poverty and rebuild communities.

4 ‘Before, you knew us for our droughts, our poverty
‘Before, you knew us for our droughts, our poverty. But now the poor are transforming this country, and poverty shall no longer be our name.’ Meseret Kumsa, a Tearfund Self-Help Group member, Ethiopia

5 How we work We work through local churches, because they're Jesus’ body on earth, ready to care for the whole person - and the whole community - inside and out. God has called us to serve those living in poverty, regardless of race, gender, nationality or religious belief. We know the gospel has the power to transform lives and heal communities, we see this truth in our work every day. God isn’t giving up on the poor, neither are we.

6 ‘He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Luke 10:27)

7 We work in over 50 countries, across 5 continents, bringing material and spiritual transformation wherever the need is greatest. The following slides give you just 4 quick examples of places where, thanks to the generous individuals and churches who support us, we have been able to bring about lasting change.

8 Uganda If you ask Akol Wilbrod what life was like a few years ago, he sums it up succinctly: ‘Very bad.’ Akol’s family, based in Atutur, Uganda, were in dire poverty, scraping a living from subsistence farming. Through our partner, the Pentecostal Assemblies of God, we have helped them discover their God-given resources. This process starts with a series of Bible studies.

9 Akol explained, ‘We saw how Jesus fed the 5,000
Akol explained, ‘We saw how Jesus fed the 5,000. The studies helped us use the resources we have around us and we trusted that God would help us by multiplying what we had.’ PAG arranged agricultural training and Akol now has 300 orange trees as well as various animals. ‘I can earn money by selling the fruit. This has enabled me to send my daughter to university.’

10 Syria In Syria, the civil war that started four years ago shows no sign of ending. Sadly, nor does the suffering of more than 9 million ordinary Syrians who are in need, including 3 million refugees. Your support has enabled us to provide 4,550 Syrian people with new places to live, help 3,500 stay warm and help nearly 3,000 families live in hygienic conditions. ‘Aala and her grandmother cried as they thanked God and everyone who had made an effort to help them.’ One of our team after giving food to a family in a Syrian refugee camp.

11 Nepal Every year for more than 20 years, Nepali farmer Keshab Bahadur Singh had to say goodbye to his family and make the long trek to India to find work. His fields could only produce enough food for four months of the year, so Keshab would leave his wife and four children to do whatever other work he could find.

12 Now, a programme run by Tearfund partner United Mission to Nepal (UMN) is revolutionising his livelihood. UMN has brought farmers together in groups. As well as training about diversifying into growing vegetables, group members have received practical help, like more resilient seed varieties. Since joining a group, Keshab has seen a jump in earnings for his crops. More income means he’s better able to provide for his family. The long trek to India is now a thing of the past!

13 Peru ‘I feel happy because I'm learning, and I am improving life for my family. Now, I can see how bad our situation was before.’ Agape works in Lima providing social, psychological and pastoral support to vulnerable children and teenagers. They also provide advice around self-esteem, good relationships, and skills such as saving and spending money effectively. Alicia, a victim of domestic violence. She and her husband attended a course about tackling domestic violence, run by our Peruvian partner, Agape.

14 Campaigning Together, our supporters and the local church are part of a wider movement of Christians campaigning for a just and sustainable world. We campaign across the world, advocating for those whose voices are not being heard. We challenge the UK’s government to be the leader on issues like climate change and corruption.


16 Prayer Pray for our partners, that they would be blessed in their work, whatever struggles they face Pray for those in poverty, that they would know the love of Jesus and the power of their own potential Pray for peace in conflict situations across the world Pray for us at Tearfund, that we would have wisdom in our decision making, as we plan for the future

Every time you make a donation you are improving the life of at least one child or adult. You are changing the world for the better. You may think it is a small impact, but to the child, woman or man whose life will never be the same, the impact is life changing.

18 THANK YOU Tearfund Church Communications Team Tel: 0208 943 7972


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