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Finding Nemo
Tuesday 5 February The Great Barrier Reef
SLO: Describe features of a marine environment. GBR video. While watching the video, make a list of the living and non-living parts of the GBR (notes on abiotic/biotic factors with examples) GBR ppt – facts and figures plus what features do you recognise? Weebly/homework
Thursday 7 February A closer look at the GBR
SLO: Describe features of a marine environment – the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef – reading and comprehension exercise. Read information sheet, do questions, draw up a table (7 columns) with headings from the sheet and use information to fill out table. Continue to add to table as we progress through this unit. An interesting animal found in the GBR – choose an animal, research and find information and use to make a Prezi presentation on chosen animal (in pairs). You will need to search prezi and do an introductory tutorial on how to do this. Youtube has a range of videos on this. You will be presenting to the class and given feedback on your presentation. Emphasis for prezi needs to be on short, concise information and good visuals.
Tuesday 12 February Prezi presentations
SLO: Describe features of a marine environment. Be able to put together and present a Prezi presentation on your chosen animal. Watch links about how to do a prezi presentation. Working in pairs you are to choose an animal from the Great Barrier Reef to put together a Prezi presentation on. You need to include: A picture and description of your animal, a description of the animals’ habitat (where it lives – abiotic and biotic factors), what adaptations your animal has to survive in this environment (eg stinging cells to protect itself, camouflage, symbiotic relationship with other animals), its status (numbers left, is it endangered?), other interesting facts about your animal. Homework – continue gathering information for your prezi presentation.
Thursday 14 February Presentations/Finding Nemo
SLO: Process feedback on presentations. Finish Prezi presentations.
Tuesday 19 February Finding Nemo
Better presentations Presenting Prezi presentations
Thursday 28 February Finding Nemo/Classifying
SLO: Classify plants and animals into similar groups. Finish watching movie. List all of the characters from the movie and try and put into groups with similar characteristics. Sorting lollies. Classify animals into different groups based on their features (wildlife cards). Explain why you grouped them together. The Five Kingdoms – notes. Homework: Finding Nemo wordsearch.
Tuesday 26 February The Five Kingdoms/Adaptations
SLO: Name the five kingdoms and their main features. The five kingdoms – powerpoint. The Five Kingdoms Jigsaw activity. Adaptations – what are they/examples of feeding adaptations (notes). Homework: Adaptations worksheet. Due date: Tuesday 14 March
Thursday 28 February The Five Kingdoms (cont)
SLO: Name the five kingdoms and their main features. Finish ppt – characteristics of the five kingdoms. Characteristics of the five kingdoms ES7 read and do questions of the five kingdoms. Pgs 52-53 Quiz on the five kingdoms.
Tuesday 5 March Finding Nemo
Watching the movie
Thursday 7 March Finding Nemo
Watching the movie
Tuesday 12 March The DHS School
SLO: Describe adaptations that help organisms survive. The DHS Zoo activity. Need large paper – one piece per student
Thursday 14 March Finding Nemo Assignment
Hand out assignment sheet. Going over assignment expectations, due date, homework expectations. Begin researching for your assignment – today it will be a good idea to begin with finding some suitable pictures of your character, and looking at what adaptations it has to help it to live in its environment.
Tuesday 19 March Adaptations
SLO: Describe adaptations that help organisms survive. Introduction: Brainstorm - What do animals have that help them to survive? Get them to think about the Finding Nemo characters. Notes on the different types of adaptations and examples: behavioural, physiological and structural (on Finding Nemo ppt) Watch: Fish adaptations Draw an animal task (can do in conjunction with the end of the video). Draw the shape of a fish that might live in the open ocean (streamlined and built for speed, powerful tail), a reef (shorter, rounder with short fins for quick short sharp movements), on the ocean floor(flat, eyes on top). Compare drawings and discuss. Could discuss purpose of different colours.
Thursday 21 March Types of feeders/food chains and food webs
SLO: Use food chains to show feeding relationships. Discuss the effect of human intervention in ecosystems. Who ate Peter Plankton? What is a food chain – notes. Create food chains using organisms found in the reef. What are food webs? Create food webs. What happens when we remove an organism from a food web – discussion.
Tuesday 26 April New Zealand Marine Reserves
SLO: Explore unique living things in New Zealand seas. Goat Island marine reserve – video. Locate NZ marine reserves on a map. NZ sea life in depth – table. Choose two organisms that you would find in a NZ reef and complete the table. Put into a food web. (re-cap food webs) Homework: Study for test next week (including keywords test). Put one of your NZ sea life animals and information onto a piece of card the shape of your animal – for class mobile. Due Tuesday 2 April Finding Nemo Assignment due today
Thursday 28 April Risks to marine mammals
SLO: Identify at risk marine organisms. What is the risk of extinction to marine life in NZ? How can we prevent it? Powerpoint and video. Making an information pamphlet to inform people how to look after our marine life.
Tuesday 2 April Revising for test
Bring your device, your science book and all of your handouts to this class. Keywords into flipcards Put keywords into a sentence For each SLO write a list of key/main ideas
Thursday 4 April Revising for test
Going through each SLO – main ideas/examples For each SLO, write several questions and answers Practice keywords – there will be a test on these also
Tuesday 9 April Finding Nemo Test
Test today (Includes Keyword test) Title page for next topic, keywords and SLO’s.
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