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Wendy Wood-Collins, RN Cliff Goble, RN Heather Escobedo, RRT

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Presentation on theme: "Wendy Wood-Collins, RN Cliff Goble, RN Heather Escobedo, RRT"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wendy Wood-Collins, RN Cliff Goble, RN Heather Escobedo, RRT
received packet when you signed in Introduce myself, students, Hissel You are here because you have expressed an interest in a health career. Midland Department of Health Tour We will be available for questions after the presentation or during the tour.

2 Health Care Industry to add more jobs than any other industry.
Health Care is expected to add more jobs than any other industry. The need is projected to be increased by 25%. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, The health care workforce need is expected to grow faster than any other industry.

3 Health Sciences Academy
9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Medical Term (includes speech) Principles of Health Science Health Science Theory CNA (includes patho) Patient Care Tech EMT Patho- Physiology Pharma-cology Senior year take certification class. Prepare for employment or going on into college health science program Cords for certification Pharmacy Tech

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