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Early History / Agriculture Revolution

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1 Early History / Agriculture Revolution
Unit I Introduction Early History / Agriculture Revolution

2 What were the first technological inventions?

3 Answer Generally supported the fulfillment of basic needs
Stones then metals were used to make tools and weapons for: Efficient food gathering Storage of food

4 What common characteristics do prehistoric people share?

5 Answer Prehistory vs History – distinction made on whether or not people left written records or the start of agriculture Social Structure – traveled in small bands; authority based on family relationships; labor divided Beliefs = belief is spirits (not polytheism – belief in many GODS)

6 Question The ability for people to switch from hunter-gathers to settled communities was based on what two things?

7 Answer Cultivation of crops – settled along rivers
Domestication of animals

8 Question What key changes occurred as a result of the Neolithic Revolution?

9 Answer Increase in reliable food supplies – learned agriculture skills to control food; domesticated animals Increase in population – surplus; more people to tend to land and animals Job specialization – not everyone was needed to farm Widening Gender roles – patriarchal systems developed (men hold power in family, economy, government) Settled vs Nomads – not all people settled

10 Question The Neolithic Era was based on what 3 craft industries?

11 Answer Pottery- pots were needed for cooking and storage
Metallurgy – first metal was copper no heating required Textile – new clothes, women spun at home

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