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Pechu-Kucha 1984 Closure.

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1 Pechu-Kucha 1984 Closure

2 Team Project: Pechu Kucha
Pecha Kucha is a way of presenting material that is image-based.   Your team will choose one word, sentence, or concept from the text and find 20 images that in some way relate to it (horrible and beautiful).  Come up with an essential question to answer about their word, and then answer it with the images. Be sure to get approval before you proceed.

3 When you present, you need to set up your images in a PowerPoint so that each image is on the screen for only 20 seconds while you speak about that image and how it connects to your essential question and the ideas in the novel (no words allowed on the images). Be sure to rehearse your speech so that it is timed correctly, answers the essential question, informs and engages the class, and includes smooth transitions. Finish with a Works Cited screen.

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