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Youth Policy Evaluation Survey (Preliminary results)

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Policy Evaluation Survey (Preliminary results)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Policy Evaluation Survey (Preliminary results)
EKCYP 15th Annual Meeting of Correspondents, Novi Sad, Serbia, 18-19, June, 2019 Dr. Ruta BRAZIENE,

2 Survey period: May 23, 2019-June 10, 2019 37 responses Countries: UK, Principality of Liechtenstein, Malta, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Greece, Portugal, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovak Republic, Republic of Serbia, Croatia, Georgia, The Republic of Belarus, Azerbaijan, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Republic of North Macedonia, Armenia, France, Belgium - French-speaking Community, Sweden, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Montenegro

3 Presence of a body for the design/coordination/ implementation of government policies for youth, N=32

4 What type of youth policy document(s) are there in your country? N=32

5 Have monitoring of implementation or impact evaluations of national youth policy been conducted in your country? , N=32

6 Have ex ante evaluation been carried out in your country in the following youth policy sectors?, N=32

7 Have implementation monitoring been carried out in your country in the following youth policy sectors? , N=32

8 Have impact evaluations of policy interventions been carried out in your country in the following youth policy sectors?, N=32

9 Is there any structure in charge of youth research and evaluation of youth policy in your country?, N=32

10 How is youth research and policy evaluation integrated in youth policy making in your country?, N=32

11 Thank you for attention!

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