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Communion & The Early Church

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2 Communion & The Early Church
Kingdom Key #3 Communion & The Early Church

3 Eucharist: Koinonia: “Thanksgiving”
Koinonia: “common sharing, fellowship, community, participating together”

4 Acts 2: 42-47 Unity & Community in the early church

5 Communion Quotes from Early Church History:
The Didache (100 A.D.) Justin Martyr (150 A.D.) Hippolytus (225 A.D.)

6 The Early Church joyfully spent time together during the week in each others’ homes; but had special meetings for Communion on Sunday nights.

7 Cup and Table of the Lord
1 Corinthians 10: 14-22 Paul warns the early church to stop trying to partake in two cups and two tables: Cup and Table of the Lord & cup and table of demons

8 1 Corinthians 11: 17-34 Paul reminds the early church of the roots of The Lord’s Supper and the importance of not allowing selfish cravings to creep in and fracture their koinonia.

9 Hospitality: A Call for all to share who we are and what we have with other believers; and with those who are in need. Romans 12:13 1 Peter 4:9

10 A whole new world of fellowship, grace, and hospitality is waiting to overflow from the Lord’s Table to our dining room table to the table at Pizza Hut.

11 Losing Our “Key” We can focus on our individuality and lose sight of our koinonia in Christ. We can attempt to eat from the Table of the Lord and from table of “idols.” Hospitality becomes just a gift for some instead of a calling for us all.


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