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Achievement Award Usman

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Presentation on theme: "Achievement Award Usman"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achievement Award Usman
edsd Achievement Award Usman For finger feeding himself small amounts of food independently at snack time. Well done Usman! Date: 19th October 2018

2 Achievement Award Daniel
edsd Achievement Award Daniel For using eye contact to request more of a motivating action when singing ‘Row the Boat’ with an adult. Well done Daniel! Date: 19th October 2018

3 Achievement Award Ercan
edsd Achievement Award Ercan For excellent eating skills at dinner time, feeding himself independently, following instructions to tidy his plate away and collect his pudding. Well done Ercan! Date: 19th October 2018

4 Achievement Award Jakub
edsd Achievement Award Jakub For always being helpful and for excellent engagement in all of his learning. Well done Jakub! Date: 19th October 2018

5 Achievement Award Sienna
edsd Achievement Award Sienna For being fantastic at church and reading beautifully in front of everyone. Well done Sienna! Date: 19th October 2018

6 Achievement Award Ty-Elisse
edsd Achievement Award Ty-Elisse For worked very hard using the Tobii Eye Gaze by concentrating and engaging well with the painting programme for an extended period of time. Well done Ty-Elisse! Date: 19th October 2018

7 Achievement Award Daniel
edsd Achievement Award Daniel For fantastic work in maths completing the tally charts correctly and then totalling all of them. Well done Daniel! Date: 19th October 2018

8 Achievement Award Rosie
edsd Achievement Award Rosie For engaging with circle time and joining in with all of the rhymes. Well done Rosie! Date: 19th October 2018

9 For amazing effort and progress in volleyball. Well done Daisy!
edsd Achievement Award Daisy For amazing effort and progress in volleyball. Well done Daisy! Date: 19th October 2018

10 Achievement Award Ronnie
edsd Achievement Award Ronnie For working really hard on level two of the Lexia reading programme. Well done Ronnie! Date: 19th October 2018

11 Achievement Award Niwahang
edsd Achievement Award Niwahang For excellent listening and following instructions during swimming. Well done Niwahang! Date: 19th October 2018

12 Communicator of the Week
edsd Communicator of the Week Shannon For making up and travelling with a PECS sentence, ‘I want crisps’, gaining the adults attention, pointing to each word and reading out what she would like. Well done Shannon! Date: 19th October 2018

13 Communicator of the Week
edsd Communicator of the Week Luke For taking responsibility for his PECS book and for successfully using his sentence strip. Well done Luke! Date: 19th October 2018

14 Communicator of the Week
edsd Communicator of the Week Toby For making two word sentences with his PECS to make requests. Well done Toby! Date: 19th October 2018

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