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Comments on “How Accurate are Expected Retirement Savings?”

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1 Comments on “How Accurate are Expected Retirement Savings?”
Peter R. Orszag Retirement Security Project and Brookings August 2005 7/28/2019

2 Results Those near retirement are willing to answer a question about projected assets at retirement The responses contain useful information about actual retirement saving, even beyond that contained in accumulated saving at the time of the question 7/28/2019

3 Limitations Results limited to those roughly 5-10 years from retirement Results exclude retirement saving accounts (IRAs, 401ks, etc.), raising questions about the title 7/28/2019

4 Source: Analysis of public use data from 2004 SCF. Data for those 65+
“Retirement saving” but retirement saving assets are excluded (as is home equity and debts)…. Non-retirement financial assets Net worth 25th $ ,200 $ ,480 Median $ ,000 $ ,900 75th $ ,500 $ ,600 Mean $ ,097 $ ,162 Source: Analysis of public use data from 2004 SCF. Data for those 65+ 7/28/2019

5 Source: Analysis of public use data from 2004 SCF. Data for those 65+
Another look…. Non-retirement financial assets/ net worth 25th 4.1% Median 17.3% 75th 44.2% Mean 27.5% Source: Analysis of public use data from 2004 SCF. Data for those 65+ 7/28/2019

6 Broader policy question: Behavior among younger workers
Corrective action 5-10 years before retirement is necessarily limited in its impact Even younger and middle-age workers often express commitment to saving The problem is they don’t get around to making good on that commitment 7/28/2019

7 Philosophical question: more education or reliance on defaults?
Power of automatic enrollment, automatic escalation, and automatic investment Should we be focusing efforts primarily on automatic 401(k) and automatic IRA, rather than better education? 7/28/2019

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