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Annexation and recognition page 211

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Presentation on theme: "Annexation and recognition page 211"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparison of Sam Houston and Mirabeau Lamar as President of Republic of Texas.

2 Annexation and recognition page 211
Relations with other nations page 216 2. Relations with Mexico page 211 Relations with Mexico page 215 3. Dealing with the armed forces page 212 Strengthening the armed forces page 4. Relations with Texas Indians page Changes in Indian relations page 5. Houston’s economic policies page 213 Lamar’s economic policies page 218

3 Annexation Houston He was in favor of the idea of joining the United States. Lamar- He was not in favor, he wanted to further expand Texas.

4 Relations with Mexico Houston Wanted peace with Mexico, sent Santa Anna to the U.S. to try to get them to annex Texas. Lamar Was not afraid of another war with Mexico. Offered Mexico $5million to recognize the Rio Grande as the border and Texas independence.

5 Armed Forces Lamar To make Texas safer, he built a new army after removing officers loyal to Houston. Bought one ship and had 6 more ordered to be built. Houston Houston wanted a small army so that he could keep cost down.

6 Native American Policy
Houston Houston had lived among the Cherokee for many years and understood them. He liked Native Texans and wanted peace with them. He made treaties with Native Americans and set up trading posts in west Texas. Lamar Wanted to remove native Americans from Texas because they blocked expansion in the west. Defeated the Cherokees, who had ties with Mexico. Killed Comanches in the Council House Fight.

7 Domestic Policy Houston Cut government spending.
Find new sources of income. (taxing the people, tried to get a loan from USA) Lamar 1. Wanted to build a public school system and a first class University in Texas. 2. He earned the name “Father of Texas Education”. 3. Spent money to make Texas go further into debt.

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