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PASSWORD: workshopsfeb2019

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1 PASSWORD: workshopsfeb2019
WELCOME! WIFI: OxfordTEFL PASSWORD: workshopsfeb2019

2 May 17th and 18th at Oxford TEFL Free Teacher Workshops
Visit to get your ticket for this amazing event!

3 NEW! Free Teacher Workshops
Take your teacher development course in 3 ways at Oxford TEFL Receive a 20% discount using promo code #TDC2019 before April 1st

4 Error Correction - Why is it so important? Judy Rose
Director of Studies Oxford House

5 Discuss it! Error Correction - Why is it so important?
Can students do error correction autonomously? Is there always time for error correction? How do you do error correction in class? Does it always work well?

6 The Big 6 - - Lyster and Ranta (1997)
Error Correction - Why is it so important? The Big Lyster and Ranta (1997) Recasts - teacher reformulates student’s error Elicitation - teacher directly elicits correct form by asking questions Explicit correction - teacher provides correct form Metalinguistic clues - teacher provides prompts without giving explicit ideas Clarification requests -teacher uses phrases like “I don’t understand” Repetition – teacher recasts and the student repeats error with altered utterance Implicit hand or facial gesture – teacher uses non-verbal cues to alert student to error.

7 Which one do you think is…
Error Correction - Why is it so important? Which one do you think is… The most commonly used? The least commonly used? The most effective in facilitating student uptake? The least effective in facilitating student uptake?

8 Error Correction - Why is it so important? Observation results on error correction at OH

9 Error Correction - Why is it so important? Role play
Make a group of 3 and decide who is going to be the teacher, the student and the observer. The student role: Pretend to be student and speak about the topic on the card for two minutes. You have to use the errors on the card The observer role: Use the observation instrument to note down the types of error correction techniques used by the student The teacher role: Listen out for errors made by the student and decide which technique to use – try to use as many as posible!

10 Fossilized errors – what can you do?
Error Correction - Why is it so important? Fossilized errors – what can you do? Challenge your students Be relentless (with the right students!) Use a ‘swear jar’ system Keep a tally Anything else?

11 Delayed Error Correction
Why is it so important? Delayed Error Correction The decision whether to correct immediately or not depends on various factors. These include aims, class dynamics, learner attitude and expectations, motivation, level, and the teacher's evaluation of whether a mistake or an error has been made.

12 Error Correction - Why is it so important? Delayed error correction boards: 1. Student led

13 Error Correction - Why is it so important? Delayed error correction boards: 2. Gridded errors

14 Error Correction - Why is it so important? Delayed error correction boards: 3. Target practice

15 Error Correction - Why is it so important? Delayed error correction boards: 4. Pronunciation Pyramid

16 Error Correction - Why is it so important? Take aways!
There’s always time for error correction It doesn’t have to be at the end of the lesson! It takes practise to hear errors in a big group of people speaking so predict what you might hear Experiment with different ways of activating delayed error correction Do the task again! Don’t be afraid to repeat the activity after giving corrections Make delayed error correction student centred and away from teacher led. Dedicate yourself to your students’ needs – it takes some work!

17 Thanks for coming!

18 Free Teacher Workshops
Thank you to our sponsor: Come In Books

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