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Presentation on theme: "UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE Evidence-based Practices that improve student outcomes 2 LAST UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT CURRENT UNIT 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience Current Practices Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Strategies & Routines Intensive Instruction 8 UNIT SCHEDULE 5 UNIT MAP is about... learning how to implement selected SIM SEL strategies and teaching routines 4/ Talking Together Socially Wise Strategy by exploring through engagement in 4/25 Unit Organizer Routine Framing Routine Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Coaching by learning & practicing by learning & practicing 4/26 Integration Planning Coaching Micro-credentials Social & Emotional Learning Strategies SIM Content Enhancement Routines What current practices complement or compete with SIM routines/ strategies? How do teachers teach and provide sufficient practice in selected SEL learning strategies as part of core curriculum courses? How will routines become routinely used in my work/schools? How will coaching guide our efforts? Appraising 6 Application UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS Developing RELATIONSHIPS UNIT Engagement 7

2 The Unit Organizer NAME Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) DATE 9 Expanded Unit Map is about... learning how to implement selected SIM SEL strategies and teaching routines Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Social & Emotional Learning Strategies SIM Content Enhancement Routines 10 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Do we gain our badges for SP once we have a district for P2G?


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