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District of Innovation

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1 District of Innovation
DEIC October 30, 2018

2 All NISD DOI resources:
NISD WEBSITE Curriculum & Instruction District of Innovation

3 NISD Strategic Framework
The committee was asked to align any requests to the NISD Strategic Framework In the Spring of 2018, the NISD Board of Trustees accepted the recommendations from the NISD Strategic Planning Committee to create the new NISD Strategic Framework This document is the driving force behind the District Improvement Plan and all of the actions taken by our staff members.

4 Driving Question: What operational changes would have the biggest positive impact on student learning experiences in NISD?

5 Meeting #1 Background of District of Innovation Process
Research- What are other District’s doing? Collaborate- What ideas/thoughts have NISD stakeholders shared? Identify- What themes/categories/ideas are emerging for NISD?

6 Themes from the categories?
Emerging Categories: Calendar Teacher Issues Student Issues Curriculum and Instruction

7 Meeting #2 Major Categories:
What has been identified? What are the priorities? Research and Prioritize Implications: Everything we ask for must still be in compliance with Board Policy Sub-Committees: May extend past the approval of DOI plan

8 Thought Exchange: What has our community said?
Five emerging themes based on the Top 100 “thoughts” Over 175 different ideas Over 7,300 different ratings on those ideas

9 Driving Question: What operational changes would have the biggest positive impact on student learning experiences in NISD?

10 Group Work: Theme: Operations Idea or Waiver addressed
Support Level (low, medium, high) Priority (low, medium, high) Positive Impact for NISD Does it have to have DOI to be able to accomplish it? Allow parents opportunity to gain first hand knowledge of student learning with classroom partnerships, adult courses, and family friendly resources 45 people rated this comment; 3.4 average Medium This is a priority in NISD because….. Strategic Framework Goal #3 – NISD will create and foster an environment where all stakeholders are engaged in the transformational work of the NISD family No

11 What is the BIG idea? Based on their research of other Districts;
Based on their own experience, ideas, and input from others; Based on stakeholder feedback from Thought Exchange 26 Major ideas emerged, But only 11 require a DOI plan!!

12 Calendar Teachers Students C and I Start Date
Minimum # of Required Minutes 3. Teacher Mentors 4. Probationary Contracts 5. Certification 6. Unpaid Leave 7.Class Size 8. 90% Attendance 9. Campus Behavior Coordinator 10. Three Day Suspension Limitation 11. Credit By Exam Requirements

13 Next Steps: Vote - The DOI committee was sent a survey today asking for individual feedback and to prioritize the list of possible DOI proposals This same list will be send to DEIC for your input. Results will be shared with NISD Executive Cabinet on Nov. 5th School Board presentation on Nov. 12th Pending Board Approval of DOI plan on Dec.10; posted for public comment for 30 days Final Board Approval in January 2019 Sub-committee – Some of the ideas will need additional work.

14 Other ideas researched that do not need DOI….
9 week grading period School daily start times Professional Development days “Zero Hour” Standards Based Grading Personalized Learning Expanding various CTE Pathways Curriculum Needs/alignment Homework Recess Daily Planning Requirements Alternative Appraisals Virtual learning

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