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Ballymun Community Detoxification Initiative Client Reflections (Representing statements from 14 clients)

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1 Ballymun Community Detoxification Initiative Client Reflections (Representing statements from 14 clients)

2 Community based Level of support GP and key worker involvement Individual response Facilitating change Responses.........

3 Community based......... I didnt want to go to hospital; it was great to have the freedom to choose and to do it in my own community Male 25 yrs, detoxed from benzos Actually having a safe way to detox off benzos, without having to go residential Male 30 yrs detoxed from Benzos It was really important to me to be able to still do a bit of work while detoxing and continue to support my family Male 37 yrs, detoxed from Benzos, Zimovane and currently detoxing from Methadone

4 Level of support during detox..... Without the help of my day programme, my doctor and my counsellor I dont know where Id be. Anytime I felt like I needed to stop I would talk to my key worker who gave me the confidence to talk to my doctor. So every time I wanted to hold on for a week or two I could. All I can say is this really worked for me. Six months later I am still drug free and linking in with my supports Female 42 yrs. detoxed from Suboxone The more you use your supports the better the whole thing goes Male 43 yrs, detoxed from Zimovane When challenges popped up the detox didnt finish. We worked through the challenges and moved on.......I was able to say to the doctor/key worker can we slow this down, that worked for me Male 38 yrs, detoxed from Zimovane

5 GP & Key Worker Involvement This has also helped me to reduce my cannabis use and even to stop altogether. My doctor also has been a great support as well as my counsellor. Just knowing that there is so much support is amazing to me and I also know I need to use these supports especially when I am feeling down or even when I get tempted to use again and when I get cravings Male 40 yrs, detoxing from Methadone Without my key worker talking to the doctor I dont think the detox would have happened.....It is hard too, the detox, I think you need the support of both the Dr. and the key worker Male 34yrs, detoxing from Zimovane

6 Individual Response........... The doctor has given me a lot of control in how the detox goes and I find that works best for me rather than other people telling me how to do it, the doctor is good like that Male 36 yrs, detoxed from Zimovane & currently detoxing from Methadone The way the detox was tailored for me by the doctor and how I had a bit of a say in it, nothing was written in stone Male 37 years, detoxed from Benzos Zimovane and currently detoxing from Methadone Acupuncture was a great help as it helped me to be calm during the detox Female 45 yrs, detoxing from codeine Doing the diary and reading back over it, shows you where you are at and the differences, like in your thinking Male 35 yrs, detoxing from Zimovane

7 Facilitating change......... I had thought that maybe I would just stay on my tablets and methadone when I had come off heroin. I am so glad now that I faced my fear and met with the broker and,my key worker. I believe it is important you have this system as the chances of doing it on your own are very slim Female 39 yrs detoxing from Methadone Relationships with my family have improved have met a new partner who is not a drug user and that is good Female 26 detoxing from Methadone I put a head back on my shoulders, made me aware of opportunities to what I can and cant do instead of having to focus on drugs, the steady progress has brought stability to my life Male 40 detoxing from Benzos

8 Sincere thanks to all involved in the Ballymun Community Detoxification Initiative.

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