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Rome and Han China Downfall.

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1 Rome and Han China Downfall

2 External Causes Over-extension of borders made it difficult to defend against barbaric attacks Cost of defense increased as revenues decreased Xiongnu Confederation from the north— Chinese paid protection money in return for peace Money not distributed to confederation Attacks continued Germanic tribes—Goths Like the Han tribute money paid in return for protection When the Huns invade the Goths eventually turn on the Romans as well Rome’s army = mercenaries including Goths Decline in military might and loyalty

3 Internal Causes Economic Class divisions Land distribution Disease
increased in both Land distribution inequitable Disease Decline in population and labor pool Trade Decline Taxes Natural Disasters China Land Distribution— Dividing land between sons eventually led to plots too small to pay taxes therefore sold to landlords who grew richer—Han Farmers in Rome who could no longer pay their taxes were sold into slavery along with their children Disease via the Silk Road led to decline in population in both empires with many fleeing to the countryside Led to decline in labor Trade Labor shortages and decline in population led to decrease in trade and business Tax revenues declined Taxes Aristocratic landlords were exempt from taxes therefore less government revenue—Han Diocletian divided empire in attempt to save it and to assure loyalty among aristocrats they were exempt from taxes therefore burdening the poor even more Natural Disasters Locusts in China Erosion and floods in China

4 Internal Causes Political Weak leaders Faction fighting—Han
Inability of government to deal with social unrest Lack of rules of succession Division of Empire—Rome With emphasis on eastern borders unable to protect western area Weak leaders, faction fighting, lack of rules of succession further weakened by independence of generals and rising power of landlords--Han

5 Internal Causes Social
Class divisions Revolts— poverty and frustration led to revolts—Han Yellow Turbans Linguistic and Cultural diversity in Rome Religious and Cultural unity in China Benefits of citizenship in Rome less apparent therefore a decline in loyalty

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