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Happy Earth Day!. Happy Earth Day! research current and past earth and sun conditions. Scale Scale Description 4 Through independent work beyond what.

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Earth Day!. Happy Earth Day! research current and past earth and sun conditions. Scale Scale Description 4 Through independent work beyond what."— Presentation transcript:


2 Happy Earth Day!

3 research current and past earth and sun conditions.
Scale Scale Description 4 Through independent work beyond what was taught in class, students could (examples include, but are not limited to): research current and past earth and sun conditions. investigate causes and possible solutions for global climate change. compare and contrast the patterns in the organization and distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. compare and contrast different solar events and their impact on earth. 3 understand how the motions of the sun, stars and planets as observed from Earth relate to the motions of the Earth and other planets in space. understand how the movement and position of Earth influences life on Earth. be able to differentiate between astronomy and astrology. 2 determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other astronomy specific words and phrases relating to the Earth, Sun and Moon illustrate the patterns of distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. list the physical properties of the Earth, Sun and Moon. describe the key parts of the Earth, Sun and Moon System 1 show the patterns of distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. select from a list the physical properties of the sun, earth and moon. list the key parts of the structure of earth, sun and moon.

4 Ancient Astronomy

5 Today’s questions… What is the difference between modern astronomy and ancient astronomy? What times of day and times of the year were important to ancient peoples? Is there a trend? WHY?!?

6 Looking back… Astronomy and what we now call Astrology were very closely related. Most cultures connected things they saw in the sky with their traditions and legends. Eclipses Supernovae Constellations Planets

7 Famous Ancient Astronomy Sites
Write name-location Write 1 fact about each

8 Stonehenge -England Used to observe the sun and the moon
Gave regularity to the calendar; helped in planting and used for religious ceremonies Viewed from the center, the sun rises over the heel stone at the summer solstice

9 Alignments tell the time of year
Winter Solstice Summer Solstice


11 Newgrange - Ireland  Underground chamber with passageways which point to the rising sun at winter solstice Window allows light to enter at sunrise on the first day of winter tracked and recorded the movements of the sun, used as calendar Ornamentations allow the sun to shine directly onto the symbols on the backstone and were used as devices to measure solar movement

12 Winter Solstice


14 Big Horn Mountains - Wyoming
Used as calendar by the Plains Indians Used as indicator of summer solstice sunrise and sunset, other alignments for the rising of certain stars around 800 years ago (Aldebaran, Rigel and Sirius)


16 El Caracol Temple – Chichen Itza, Mexico
Solstice and equinox alignments Multiple star alignments Alignments with Venus


18 El Caracol Temple – Chichen Itza, Mexico
Solstice and equinox alignments Multiple star alignments Alignments with Venus


20 Fajata Butte in Chaco Canyon, NM
Calendar that could tell when the solstices and Equinoxes occur Allowed them to plant and harvest crops at the best times Called the “Sun’s Dagger”

21 Anasazi

22 Fajata Butte in Chaco Canyon, NM
Calendar that could tell when the solstices and Equinoxes occur Allowed them to plant and harvest crops at the best times Called the “Sun’s Dagger”



25 Temple at Karnak - Egypt
alignments correspond to summer solstice sunset and winter solstice sunrise


27 Pyramid of Khufu - Egypt
Shafts from the King's chamber indicate location of Polaris years ago Former position of Orion's belt pyramid is also aligned perfectly N- S and E-W


29 Think about all the sites you just saw. Answer these 2 questions
What are 1 or 2 things they all have in common? Are there any glaring differences between the sites?

30 Changes over time… In the past: Now:
astronomical sites were used to keep track of sky movements to determine time. ancient astronomers did not really seek answers to scientific questions. the sky was believed to influence life and these influences could be predicted. Now: Astronomers know and can calculate movement of things in the sky (planetary laws) No need for sky calendar Astronomers ask questions and seek scientific answers.

31 Summarize your notes by answering the 2 questions from the beginning of class.
What is the difference between modern astronomy and ancient astronomy? What times of day and times of the year were important to ancient peoples? Is there a trend? WHY?!?

32 Homework: Part 1 Write the name of your site.
Draw a small sketch of the layout of the site. Draw a small sketch of a symbol or feature of the site. Put yourself in the shoes of one of the people who helped to build one of these astronomical sites. What would you have been thinking as you were building or designing it? How would you explain to someone now what your purpose was in building the site?

33 Homework: Part 2 For your site

34 You Need more information about your site
You must find 2 new sources You must cite your sources!! Not Wikipedia I recommend looking for videos as one of your sources  To turn it in, you must take a picture of your homework from last night and your invitation from today and submit it through the assignment on Canvas Add your sources. These will be included in your final grade.

35 More Color = More Points!!!
Who Built it What did they build? Where is it located? Why was it built? When is the grand opening? How did they build it? Come up with a slogan Design a logo What should people wear or bring? Who all will be there? What is the reason for it being built? Etc. The more you add, the more credit you’ll receive

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