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Mississinawa Valley Elementary
Kindergarten Mississinawa Valley Elementary
What is New in Kindergarten?
Kindergarten has changed dramatically over the past several years. It is no longer the kindergarten that you or I remember. The expectations and curriculum standards for a child in kindergarten are very high now. The curriculum assumes that upon entering kindergarten, most children already know their colors & shapes, can write their name correctly, use scissors correctly, count to 20, recognize all or most of the letters of the alphabet and know some of their letter sounds! For many children, it seems as if they enter kindergarten already behind! But don't worry! With your help, we are here to make sure that your child's educational experience will be not only successful, but fun and exciting also.
ttendance is very important
ttendance is very important! If your child misses school, please remember to call the office AND write a note to let us know he/she will be absent. Most of our Kindergarten experiences are group oriented and involve interaction with classmates and hands-on materials. Therefore, it is next to impossible to make up work at home! Due to the new state law, you will be notified if your child misses more than 65 hours of school – regardless if the absences are excused or not. If your child’s attendance becomes a continuing issue, you may be called in for an attendance meeting. is for backpacks and Blackhawks! Please send your child with his/her backpack each day and check them after school each day! Your child is now a Blackhawk and teachers will reward positive behavior by handing out Blackhawk bucks. These bucks will then be entered into a drawing for your child to win a prize from me!
is for communication and conferences
is for communication and conferences. Throughout the year the teachers and I will communicate with you through notes, , telephone calls, newsletters, progress reports, Class Dojo and parent teacher conferences. I encourage you to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns at any time. There is no need to wait until parent conferences if you have a concern about your child's progress or success in school. You are always welcome to contact me as well, but I ask you please contact your child’s teacher first. Many issues and concerns can be handled by reaching out to your child’s teacher. is for our Discipline Procedures and Dojo. Our school uses Class Dojo to help reward positive behaviors by giving students’ green points and implementing consequences for poor choices by giving red points. We believe students have the freedom to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes, but are not free from the consequences of those choices. Discipline referrals will be handed out to students who consistently make poor choices.
is a reminder that in an emergency, it is important that we have current contact telephone numbers. Please inform us if address, home, work, or cell phone numbers change throughout the school year. is the First Day of School! You will find out the name of your child’s teacher 2-3 weeks before school starts as well as his/her staggered start date. Your child will attend one day of Kindergarten with a portion of his/her classmates before joining the entire class on Tuesday September 3. is for gym class! We will have gym class at least once a week. Children should wear sneakers for gym class. In addition to Gym, students will have music, art, library and computer lab.
is for homework! Occasionally, books will be sent home for you and your child to read for homework. I encourage you to work with your child a few minutes each night to review & reinforce the skills we are working on in school. is for Important dates. August 5: Class Lists Posted August 26: Open House 6:00-7:30 August : Staggered start dates September 3: First Day of School is for joining our Parent Associations! Throughout the school year there will be a variety of special classroom activities, celebrations, and MVPA meetings. We also have several fundraisers to help support our school. I encourage you to attend all functions and become involved!
is for Kindergarten Readiness
is for Kindergarten Readiness. Your child is eligible for Kindergarten if he/she will be 5 years old by August 1. However, there is much more to being ready for Kindergarten than a child’s age. Size, maturity, social skills, birthday and academic skills should be taken into consideration. If your child has a late birthday or is developmentally behind in any of the above areas, please discuss with us if your child is ready for Kindergarten. is for Lunch and breakfast! Your child will receive a Free and Reduced Lunch form for you to fill out. If your family qualifies, your child can eat breakfast and lunch for free or for a reduced price. If your family doesn’t qualify, your child still has the breakfast option, but will need to pay for it. Lunch will be provided everyday and your child will also have the option to pack a lunch from home!
is for money! If your child needs to bring money to school, please send it in a sealed envelope with the following information on it: name, amount, purpose, and teacher’s name. When it comes to lunch money, you may send it in to school or visit our website and click the Pay For It link to add money to your child’s account. is for Nurse! Our school nurse is Mrs. Wisner. Please see her to make sure your child has all necessary vaccines and physicals to begin Kindergarten. If your student requires medication to be taken at school, make sure that you fill out the necessary forms. Also, if there are any allergies or other medical conditions that we need to be aware of let us know. is for OUR daily schedule! Students can enter the building at 7:30 and our day begins at 8:00. Throughout our day, your child will have reading groups, centers, writing time, math groups, Science, Social Studies, recess, lunch and a daily special. Early bus riders and car riders are dismissed at 2:25. Late bus riders leave around 2:45.
is for PARTY! School policy permits three classroom parties each year—Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's Day. Look for further information in regards to volunteers and donations. Birthdays are also special occasions for young children. Although we are not permitted to have a "party" for each individual child, parents are welcome to provide a simple birthday snack. Birthday celebrations will take place in the afternoon during snack time. is for questions! Please let us know if you have any questions! We are here to make this the best experience possible!
is for recess! We will be going outside everyday unless it is raining or extremely cold. If your child is too sick to play outside, they are too sick to attend school. is for SOAR and Snacks! SOAR is an acronym we use to help students remember our school rules. Safety first, Own your problems, Act responsibly, and Respect yourself and others. When students demonstrate SOAR behavior, they not only receive blackhawk bucks, but could also be chosen for our monthly HAWK Award! Snack time is in the afternoon. Teachers will ask for donations when the snack cabinet gets low. is for Thursday Folders and Transportation. Thursday folders will be our way of making sure important papers get to and from school. Your child will also have another folder used for daily papers and communication. Your child will arrive to school by bus or car. If you would like your child to ride the bus, be sure to fill out a transportation request form. Bus routes will be determined a week or two before school begins.
Each child is UNIQUE and special
Each child is UNIQUE and special. They come to school with different skills, personalities, experiences, backgrounds and learning styles. It is our job to foster their individual strengths and help each child develop to his/her fullest potential. is for volunteers and visitors! We love having volunteers in our school! Please let me know if you are able to come help us! All volunteers and visitors must check in at the office to receive a visitor’s pass. Also, be sure to go to our office when you need to check-in or check-out your student. is for Weather! In the event school is delayed or closed, you will receive a phone call. You can also check our Facebook page or the local news channels. It is also a good idea to check the weather forecast before dressing your child for school to ensure he/she is dressed appropriately for the weather. After 1st Quarter, shorts cannot be worn to school until 4th Quarter begins.
is for having eXtra clothes
is for having eXtra clothes! Please keep a change of clothes in your students backpack in case of an accident! is for YOU! Always remember you are a teacher too! There is no one who is more influential in your child’s life than you! Be involved with your child’s education – whether it is by joining MVPA, attending school events, or doing homework, YOU are important in your child’s education! is for ZzZzZz...please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night. Setting and keeping a bedtime helps children to be alert and ready to learn each day!
Mrs. Coatney Mrs. Ranly Mrs. Taylor Mrs. Clark Mrs. Hathaway
Meet our Teachers
Mrs. Kemp Mrs. Wisner Mrs. Klingshirn Mrs. Stocksdale Mrs. Denniston
Mr. Skinner Officer Brinley Meet our Office Staff
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