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Manson High School Graduation Report

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1 Manson High School Graduation Report
March 25, 2019

2 Current numbers 45 Total Seniors 39 on track to graduate
4 are almost on track 1 needing intensive support to graduate 1 will not graduate

3 4 are almost on track All of these students transferred into Manson as Seniors. Missing CWP due to rotation – taking the class online. Additional elective credits being earned through regularly scheduled classes, online classes, or Directed Studies as a last resort.

4 1 needing intensive support to graduate
Transferred to Manson as a Senior. Enrolled in online classes.

5 1 will not graduate Non Graduate from class of 2018.
Still severely credit deficit.

6 Support and Communication
Initial intake meeting with student and parents. Identified graduation deficits. Collaboratively developed a graduation plan for the students. Implemented the plan and keep parents/guardians informed of the students progress through phone calls, meetings, and s. Counselor monthly check ins. Mentors meet weekly/biweekly with students to discuss their progress and keep them on track. Students enrolled in JAG for additional support.

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