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40a. Distribution of types of nonfatal injuries and illnesses with days away from work, construction, 2005 Sprains and strains (34.7%) Soreness,

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Presentation on theme: "40a. Distribution of types of nonfatal injuries and illnesses with days away from work, construction, 2005 Sprains and strains (34.7%) Soreness,"— Presentation transcript:

1 40a. Distribution of types of nonfatal injuries and illnesses with days away from work, construction, 2005 Sprains and strains (34.7%) Soreness, pain except back (4.3%) Bruises and contusions (7.2%) Cuts and lacerations (11.3%)

2 40b. Distribution of risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders with days away from work in construction, 2005

3 40c. Rate of overexertion injuries resulting in days away from work, by selected industries, 2005

4 40d. Rate of overexertion injuries with days away from work, by selected construction occupation, 2005

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