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DOE Review of the LCLS Project
LCLS Project Management M. Reichanadter / SLAC LCLS Deputy Project Director
Review Documentation LCLS Project Review information is located at:
Thumb drives and a few hardcopies of cost/schedule data and plenary presentations Project Documentation: WBS Dictionary - WBS organization and scope description Cost To Go Estimates – at the resource level, fully burdened and escalated. Includes contingency assessment and estimate type Schedules – At WBS L4, logic-driven schedules, calculate float Summary Schedule – Hi-level summary schedule w/critical path L1, L2 and L3 Milestones – baseline, projected and actual dates Aug06 Monthly Report – progress/issues, CPR, milestones, BCR’s Risk Registry – risk identification and risk handling plans Questions? Contact Helen O’Donnell X3368,
Outline Progress Overview Project Status Procurement Experience
Funding, Obligations & Costs Cost and Schedule Performance Project Critical Path & Milestones Procurement Experience Integration Management Plans for the next six months Summary
Progress since February 2006
LCLS Cost Estimate CF bid solicitation complete. Bids substantially over estimates Intentionally phased CLOC procurement to ensure scope fits TPC Chose not to award CLOC to maintain sufficient project contingency Re-estimate all future work (bottoms-up ETC) Modest (~4%) overall increase on ETC. Rates, overhead ~OK Progress in design left some scope gaps in CF and CT Re-assessed risk-based contingency needs LCLS Schedule Civil construction now underway! Integrated with SLAC Ops, SPEAR-3, BaBar, emergency/normal traffic Outreach with University and local community Start of construction delayed due to CF bid scrub and VE Negotiated “early-occupancy” milestones to recover schedule ~OK schedule performance on technical systems Working to recover schedule in Injector installation Commission some equipment early. Sufficient float to complete commissioning
Progress since February 2006
LCLS Staffing at ~peak levels SLAC team strengthened (CF, Mgmt, Proc, Integ, Controls) Emphasize management coordination Director daily briefings, Project Management Oversight Group (PMOG), CF Exec Committee, Transition to Ops LCLS Procurements in full swing Most CF procurements under contract or bids in hand ~50% technical procurements under contract LCLS System Integration in place IMT addresses CF-Tech interface & installation coordination 6-person team, led by RM Boyce, geographical POC’s Change Control Board working well Technical specifications/design continue to mature
LCLS showing steady progress
34% TEC comp 31% TPC comp SPI = 0.97 CPI = 0.96 $ burn rate ~$6-7M per/mo SLAC labor burn rate ~$2.5M/mo
LCSL Earned Value Indices
CPI trend: Steady but low CPI. Some benign (Und LLP), others need to be watched. (MMF, CT Engr, PO Staff) SPI Trend: Improving. System Managers will discuss Schedule Variances
Funding, Obligations & Planned Work
FY06 carryover larger than planned due to late civil construction start Advanced ~$2M add’l funds to ANL for undulators FY07 work planned ~saturates budget Track FY07 obligations to ensure adequate contingency available to solve problems.
LCLS Project Performance
Includes ($1.3M) PBCR’s Performance reviewed at monthly cost and schedule meetings. Injector 95% complete Jan07.
LCLS Cost Estimate has been updated
All L2 Systems have undergone an ETC Scope Review Re-evaluate all ICD’s and WBS Dictionary Schedule Review Optimize Schedule Logic, L4 Milestone review Cost and Contingency Review Bottoms-Up cost reevaluation on future work Characterize maturity of cost estimate Re-assess risk-based contingency needs ETC’s presented to CCB for approval
LCLS ETC – Basis of Estimate
Contingency is a bottoms-up, risk-based “assessment of potential need” by CAM Rolled-up contingency dominated by CF (most under contract)
LCLS ETC – Basis of Estimate
Remaining work primarily procurements and sub-contracts (CF, UN, CT) No contingency assessment on OPC, ~$7M Mgmt Res (FY09)
Cost Estimate (ETC) is well-defined
LCLS Schedule has adequate float
Critical Path (CP) Undulator Hall E.O. – install – FEL commission – Photons in FEH Total float to CD-4; 166 working days (~8months) Near CP – Undulator vacuum system, Undulator testing “Early-occupancy” Target dates allow installation prior to BO Priority to Turner. Requires coordination of co-occupancy logistics Schedule issues Critical to maintain construction schedule Track Turner EV in LCLS PMCS, site walk validation, OAC meetings Technical component ready for installation must be tracked System integration needs good (better) coordination Aug07 shutdown followed by ~6months of Installation (LTU, Und, etc.) IMT working schedules to track contracts, deliverables and progress LCLS summary schedule w/CP in backup documentation
Recent L3 Milestone Performance
Milestone Plan Actual Var IN - Laser Install Complete 8/21/06 8/1/ d IN - Laser Ready for Comm 12/14/06 10/20/06 -39d LN – X-Band Klystron RFI 11/27/06 8/31/ d LN - FFTB Shutdown 6/1/06 4/10/ d UN - SUT Complete 4/28/06 7/19/ d UN - 1st Undulator SLAC 6/2/06 3/30/ d UN - MMF Ready for Meas 10/27/06 8/28/ d XT – Tunnel Mech/Vac Review 11/29/06 10/18/06 -30d CF - S20 BO 6/21/06 4/14/ d CF - MMF BO 4/3/06 3/29/06 -3d LCLS meeting most of its L4 “early finish” milestones
Key Upcoming L3 Milestones
Milestone Plan Comments s PM – FY07 Down Complete 1/5/07 On schedule, Tight IN – Accelerator Readiness 1/29/07 Scheduled for 10/31/06 IN – Start Injector Comm 3/6/07 Installation is on CP UN – 50% SLAC 3/19/07 On or ahead of schedule XE – LDAC Mid-Project Review 3/19/07 On schedule CF – Linac Power Water Avail 6/11/07 On schedule UN – 33 SLAC 7/6/07 On or ahead of schedule PM – FY07 Down Hdwr Avail 9/4/07 On schedule CF – Turner Early-Occupancy 11/1/07 On schedule, Project CP
TEC Contingency Performance
Steady, consistent rise in project % complete. Should increase as CF EV is realized ~$6M contingency giveback in August CT ETC CF ETC CF Gp #2 CLOC -$17M ~$19M contingency allocated in July CF Gp #1 +$19M Linac ETC XTOD ETC XES ETC
LCLS procurements well advanced
LCLS using co-located procurement group (staff of 7) 1 Manager, 3 Buyers, 1 FCO/Buyer, 2 Consultants B. Miller (Procurement Consultant), Jim Dee (Pricing Negotiator) J. Azevedo (Administer FCO’s and submittals) Weekly technical/procurement staff meetings Procurements monitored via APP’s Call for final APP’s in November LCLS Long-Lead Procurements are now in hand Injector - Drive Laser, beamline hardware, RF Gun Linac - BC1/BC2 Magnets, X-Band klystron Undulator - Strongbacks, Poles/Blocks, 8/40 undulators CF - S20 Facility, MMF Facility CM/GC contract (Turner) in Phase II (Construction) Beampath subcontracts: Gp #1 awarded, Gp #2 finalized CLOC subcontracts: Gp#3, Gp#4, removed from LCLS EVMS
Most of LCLS contracts completed or awarded
Some specialty components remain but many are commodities. (vacuum, cabling, power supplies) Largest Remaining Procurements Und S/M ~$3.4M X-ray Det ~$2.3M 12kV Feed ~$1.2M Install Contracts Cost Risks CF field changes Schedule Performance System Integration PMCS, Laser, Undulators, most of Injector, Linac S20, MMF, A/E Design, CM/GC + subcon’s
LCLS IMT addresses the “5I’s”
Integration Management Team Directed by RM Boyce (staff of 6) Review and ownership of Interfaces, Gaps, Conflicts CF-Tech leads for construction Installation readiness & planning Assoc Proj Dir for Engineering – Facilitates LCLS system engineering and integration Interview process complete Technical reviews vet the design ~50 in past six months to mature the design, validate progress and identify integration issues early. Risk Registry used as a tactical document – punch list. Owned by System Managers
Risks / Challenges Ahead
Safety is primary issue – Execution phase Fully staffed in ES&H, construction safety and oversight (UTR’s) Regular job site inspections, enforced procedures Aligned DOE, SLAC, Turner, Subcontractor team Technical / Quality – Missing scope/gaps ETC’s picked up a lot. IMT has reviewed ICD’s. Continue emphasis on design reviews and technical specs Undulator vacuum. Parallel design effort LCLS / LUSI interface. Setting up Interface group Schedule – Installation activities and coordination IMT to facilitate installation planning Tracking CF EV in LCLS PMCS, verify with site walks Cost - Site conditions, field orders and staying to schedule Recent bottoms-up ETC for the project. Tracking obligations and labor. Strong procurement and negotiating team in place APD-Engineering and IMT will facilitate system integration
Plans for the Next Six Months (Oct06)
Project Management Hire APD-Engineering ASAP Emphasize IMT in resolving integration issues Need detailed schedules on hardware, procurements, progress Cost Management Track FCO usage, obligations, SLAC labor Choose solution to space needs ~Oct07 Schedule Management Complete Injector / Linac shutdown effort on time Injector (RF Gun – BC1) Conduct Injector ARR and begin injector commissioning Deliver 50% of undulators to MMF ~ Dec06 Monitor MMF measurement throughput Perform safely on civil construction
Summary LCLS TPC is on firm ground.
~All beam path civil contracts awarded or in hand. CLOC removed. Recent bottoms-up ETC, most procurements under contract CF design (except VE efforts) stable over several months Remaining cost risk related to schedule, labor overruns or FCO’s LCLS Staff strengthened to meet construction phase APD-Civil, APD-Engr, 3 add’l Senior Procurement Staff Jacobs T3 on-site, new Turner Project Exec IMT organized, LCLS Controls integration with Lab LCLS Management Systems, config control working well Steady overall EV progress. FY07 is critical year Cost and schedule contingencies adequate for stage of the project Overall milestone performance is good Critical path and obligation planning understood, being optimized
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