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My lesson for maths Based on 40 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "My lesson for maths Based on 40 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 My lesson for maths Based on 40 minutes

2 Outcomes: Clear objectives W.A.L.T:
locate 4-digit numbers on a 0–10 000 line and on a 1000 line. round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 1000, 100 and 10.

3 Quick maths (done in the morning each day)

4 Differentiation Starter (2min)

5 In pairs – one student writes a 4 digit number and reads to to a partner. The partner says how many 1000, 100, 10’s and units are in the number. Ask a student for a 4 digit number e.g Q. Is it closer to r 7000? Q. How does 1000’s, 100, 10’s units help us be more accurate? Q. Where does it go? Main teaching (10 min)

6 Main teaching continued
Locate 7661, Q. is it close to 7000 or 8000? Q. What’s the nearest 100? Work with a partner to round 2084 to the nearest 1000, then 100, then 10 Cooperative learning Formative assessment Scaffolding Main teaching continued

7 Student exercise (5 min)
Working in Pairs Drop a marker somewhere on the 0−10 000 line Discuss what we can tell about the number, e.g. it lies between 8000 and 9000, it is closer to 9000, it is past 8500 so probably closer to 8700 etc. 

8 Group A (15 min) Cooperative learning Differentiation Group B (15 min)

9 Mastery checkpoint Formative assessment Peer assessment
Higher order thinking

10 you have caught a criminal number − it has been up to no good, fighting and stealing from other numbers on the line! You will give children clues and they guess the number. If they guess correctly they catch the criminal! Draw an empty 0–10 000 line on the board. Ask a child to come and mark and label the half-way point (5000), then the quarter points (2500 and 7500). Mark the criminal with an ʻxʼ around 8300 location. Ask children which 1000s they think the criminal lies between and Tell them it rounds to 8000. What does this tell you? Our criminal is less than 8500. Tell children it rounds to 8300 and ask them which 100s it is between and 8400 but it must be less than Tell children it rounds up by 3 to 8340. What is the criminal? 

11 Higher order questioning and thinking
Early finishers

12 Is there anything in what I have shown, that you don’t understand?

13 What else can you do? Add photos/video of a lesson you have taken.
Have another teacher demonstrate while you talk. Show the materials or have a table of materials/resources for parents to see. Share a completed student work book as evidence. Anticipate questions you think may arise and have answers ready. Make parent questions talking points. Practice the presentation. Stick to the time.

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