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Just Trust Me Workshop 2019 INMM Nuclear Safeguards

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1 Just Trust Me Workshop 2019 INMM Nuclear Safeguards
Christopher Ramos, Ph.D. Senior Program Manager DOE/NNSA/DNN R&D (NA-221) 12 March 2019

2 Introduction Containment and surveillance
Cyber and information security Instrumentation certification and calibration Trusted/untrusted data systems Physical security Supply-chain security Human factors Autonomous/artificial intelligence Insider threat and mitigation

3 Cross-cutting Issue The nuclear nonproliferation regime centers on the adage “trust, but verify.”  While significant research and development has focused on the technical verification, trust in the people, systems, equipment and data that make up those regimes remains a significant and cross-cutting issue. How do we establish, authenticate, and maintain trust?  Are there ways we can improve trust for common goals across safeguards, security, and arms control?  What happens when trust deteriorates or when too much trust leads to the wrong conclusions?

4 Trust Issues The Coinbase attack
An attacker had somehow gained control of more than half of the network’s computing power and was using it to rewrite the transaction history. An attacker gains control of a majority of the network's mining power and defrauds other users by sending them payments and then creating an alternative version of the blockchain in which the payments never happened.

5 How Do We Build Trust In Safeguards?
Establishing and maintaining trust in Nuclear Material Accountancy (NMA) with trusted Containment & Surveillance (C/S) is foundational for drawing Effective Safeguards Conclusions This is why DNN R&D makes investments in new tools and methods that support ensuring trusted Continuity of Knowledge (CoK) is maintained for all safeguarded Assets. Some Recent DNN R&D Investments include: Improved Tamper Indicating Enclosures Counterfeit-Resistant Unique Identifiers Data Analytics In-Process Monitoring (NDA & DA) Trusted Information

6 Improved Tamper Indicating Enclosures
Tamper-Indicating Enclosures with Visually Obvious Tamper Response

7 Counterfeit-Resistant Unique Identifiers
Magnetic Smart Tag (MaST) for Unique Identification Embeddable Fiber Bragg Grating UID

8 Data Analytics Disparate Data Integration for Improved Safeguards Verification (DI) Data Analytics Methods for Verifying Nuclear Facility Operations (DA) Anomaly Detection and Surety for Safeguards Data (AD)

9 In-Process Monitoring (NDA & DA)

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