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바이오및뇌공학과 세미나 / The J Company Biosignal Marker

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1 바이오및뇌공학과 세미나 / The J Company Biosignal Marker
1. Title: Pulse Pattern Diagnosis as a Biosignal Marker 2. Speaker: SEOK WOO YANG, M.D. & Ph.D. / The J Company InCheon Na-Eun Hospital 3. Date: (Wed) PM 4:30 ~ 4. Venue: #219, Chung Moon Soul Bldg. 5. Abstract: Like vital signs (blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, body temperature), pulse pattern diagnosis can be used as a biosignal marker. Pulse flow pattern is produced via the heart and blood vessels, which are continuously connected to the body organs, such as lung, kidney, liver, pancreas, brain, spinal cord, and etc. Inflammation accompanies increased blood flow, like eye inflammation (conjunctivitis) with red color. The red color is produced by the dilated blood vessels and increased blood flow. With the same mechanism, when the major organs (e.g. lung, liver, kidney, pancreas) in our body are affected with inflammation, blood flows are increased. These events change the hemodynamic state in our body. The altered hemodynamic change can be detected through the radial artery, which overlies over the radial bone of the wrist. Our body seems to respond to a certain disease with a specific or overlapping hemodynamic change. This signal can be detected through the pulse detection. Pulse diagnosis can be used to contribute to medicine; 1. to detect the early phase of disease, 2. to detect where a disease is present, 3. to discriminate between viral and bacterial infection, 4. to discriminate between hot and cold nature in human, 5. to translate the secret of oriental medicine into modern medicine. To realize above, pulse pattern diagnosis is pending for a well organized device to measure pulse pattern. 바이오및뇌공학과 세미나 문의: 이광형 (☎ 4313)

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