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(Bohr & Electron Configuration Orbital Diagrams )

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1 (Bohr & Electron Configuration Orbital Diagrams )
Electron Orbitals And Drawing Atomic Diagrams (Bohr & Electron Configuration Orbital Diagrams )

2 What does an Atom look like?
The Niels Bohr’s Model

3 Bohr’s Planetary Model
Bohr proposed that electrons are RESTRICTED to certain FIXED orbits around the nucleus. It’s called the Planetary Model because it mimics our solar system.

4 Energy in each level Energy Level closest to nucleus have - Low Energy Electrons Energy Level farthest from the nucleus have - High Energy Electrons It’s very much like the Hammer Throw event.

5 Energy in each level Energy Level closest to nucleus have - Low Energy Electrons Energy Level farthest from the nucleus have - High Energy Electrons It’s very much like the Hammer Throw event. When the throw begins, the Hammer is being spun slowly. Notice how close it is to the body. As the spin increases. Notice how far away it is to the body.

6 Bohr’s Planetary Model
Bohr also proposed that electrons can “Jump” suddenly between those orbits by gaining or losing energy. Loses Energy = “Jumps” DOWN Gains Energy = “Jumps” UP

7 Bohr’s Planetary Model
Each of these orbits (or Shells) could only hold a set number of electrons at any one given point in time. n7 n6 n5 n1= maximum of 2 electrons n4 n2= maximum of 8 electrons n3 n2 n3= maximum of 18 electrons n1 n4= maximum of 32 electrons n5= maximum of 50 electrons n6= maximum of 72 electrons Maximum electrons = 2(n2) n7= maximum of 98 electrons

8 How to draw Bohr diagrams:
Step 1: Determine how many Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons are in the atom. Step 2: Write the number of Protons and Neutrons in a circle to represent the Nucleus. Step 3: Fill in the energy shells with ALL of the electrons from inner to outer. (Once a Shell is completely filled, then move to the next.) Oxygen # of p = _____ # of e = _____ # of n = _____ 8 8p 8n 8 8 2 6

9 How to draw Bohr diagrams:
Let’s try another: 53p 74n 2 8 Iodine # of p = _____ # of e = _____ # of n = _____ 18 53 25 53 74

10 Let’s check the valance charges
? Oxygen Valence (-2) Outer level has 6 of 8 Iodine Valence (-1) Outer level has 25 of 32

11 Bohr’s Planetary Model
But wait, Something doesn’t make sense? We said that once ALL atoms get 8 electrons in their outmost layer, they are Stable. And once they are stable they no longer need any more electrons. Reply hazy, try again So why are there MORE than 8 in levels n3 – n7? A NEW model was needed!

12 So along comes Quantum Mechanics and
Erwin Schrodinger Electrons are NOT particles, They are WAVES.

13 Schrodinger Model Electrons DO NOT travel as particles in FIXED orbits. They are free to move around the nucleus but they do tend to occur more frequently in certain areas of the electron cloud at any given time. These areas of probability were mathematically found and are known as Orbitals Click here Electron Cloud is like a Fenced in Back Yard. A dog is allowed to run anywhere in there, BUT there is a higher probability that you will find the dog at certain locations (Near the Door, by a tree to pee, etc.)

14 Orbital Shapes – s Orbitals
s Orbitals are Spherical ONLY ONE s Orbital for every Energy level (n) Remember: Each Orbital can only Hold 2 electrons no matter what shape it has. EVERY s Level (n) Total of 2 electrons

15 Orbital Shapes – p Orbitals
p Orbitals are Dumbbell shaped THREE p Orbitals for every Energy level (n) Remember: Each Orbital can only Hold 2 electrons no matter what shape it has. EVERY p Level (n) Total of 6 electrons

16 Orbital Shapes – d Orbitals
d Orbitals are odd shaped FIVE d Orbitals for every Energy level (n) EVERY d Level (n) Total of 10 electrons Remember: Each Orbital can only Hold 2 electrons no matter what shape it has.

17 Orbital Shapes – f Orbitals
f Orbitals are VERY odd shaped SEVEN f Orbitals for every Energy level (n) EVERY f Level (n) Total of 14 electrons Remember: Each Orbital can only Hold 2 electrons no matter what shape it has.

18 Still confused? Try watching this.
(This video can also be found on Mr. Racchini’s website)

19 Filling the ENERGY LEVELS
Electron Orbital Diagrams Rule 1 - Aufbau Principle Lowest energy orbitals fill first. Thus, the filling pattern is  1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, etc. n=1 1s n=2 2s 2p n=3 3s 3p 3d n=4 4s 4p 4d 4f n=5 5s 5p 5d 5f n=6 6s 6p 6d n=7 7s 7p n=8 8s

20 Filling the ENERGY LEVELS
Electron Orbital Diagrams Rule 2 - Pauli Exclusion Principle Only two electrons are permitted per orbital and they must have an opposite spin.  Up Spin Down Spin n=1 1s Stable Orbitals When electrons are found this way, in the same orbital, they are referred to as being paired and no longer need to find another electron.

21 Filling the ENERGY LEVELS
Rule 3 - Hund's Rule When assigning electrons in energy levels, each electron will first fill all the orbitals with similar energy before pairing with another electron in a half-filled orbital.  The Bus Seat Rule 

22 Filling the ENERGY LEVELS
Rule 3 - Hund's Rule The Bus Seat Rule  2) You search for a seat  1) You get on the Bus  3) You find an empty row 

23 Filling the ENERGY LEVELS
Valence Charge Rule 3 - Hund's Rule Filling the orbitals is just like getting on a bus.  Oxygen (8 electrons) -2 2p = ___ ___ ___ Think of each energy level like the bus. 2s = ___ And think of each Orbital as a row on that bus. 1s = ___

24 So what order do the orbitals fill?
Remember the Aufbau Principle Or…

25 Just know the areas of the Periodic Table of Elements:
s Orbitals Just know the areas of the Periodic Table of Elements: p Orbitals d Orbitals n= f Orbitals 1 1s 2 2s 2p 3 3s 3p 4 4s 3d 4p 5 5s 4d 5p 6 6s 5d 6p 7 7s 6d 7p 4f 5f

26 How do you write an Atom’s…
Electron configuration / Orbital Diagram Step 1: Find the atom on the Periodic Table of Elements Example: ________________ Sodium Step 2: STARTING with Hydrogen, move left to right and top to bottom across the table so you can write down all of the orbitals up to your atom.

27 s Orbitals p Orbitals d Orbitals f Orbitals n= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1s 1s 2s

28 How do you write an Atom’s…
Electron configuration / Orbital Diagram Step 3: Make a chart of all of the orbitals up to your atom. Sodium (11 TOTAL electrons) Remember: All… “s” have 1 orbital “p” have 3 orbitals “d” have 5 orbitals “f” have 7 orbitals 3s = 2p = Step 4: Following Hund’s Rule, and The Aufbau and Pauli Exclusion principles, place all of the electrons into your chart. 2s = 1s =

29 How do you write an Atom’s…
Electron configuration / Orbital Diagram Step 5: Now write the Electron configuration. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

30 How do you write an Atom’s…
Electron configuration / Orbital Diagram Step 6: Sometimes these can be very long, so to save time and paper space you may replace the beginning of it with [ ] and the last Nobel Gas 1s22s22p63s1 [Ne]3s1

31 Selenium 4p = 3d = 4s = 3p = 3s = 2p = 2s = 1s = Selenium
Let’s try another example: Selenium (34 TOTAL electrons) 4p = Selenium 3d = 4s = 3p = 3s = 2p = 2s = 1s =

32 How do you write an Atom’s…
Electron configuration / Orbital Diagram Try another example on your own: Selenium 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p4 [Ar] 4s23d104p4

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