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Amines 340 Chem 1st 1439.

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Presentation on theme: "Amines 340 Chem 1st 1439."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amines 340 Chem 1st 1439

2 Outline Structure and Classification Nomenclature Physical Properties
Preparation Reaction 340 Chem 1st 1439

3 Structure and Classification
Amines are organic derivatives of ammonia in which one or more hydrogens are replaced with alkyl or aryl groups. Amines are further divided into aliphatic and aromatic amines. It has high degree of biological activity, many amines are used as drugs and medicines. Amines are classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary, depending on the number of carbon atoms bonded directly to nitrogen. In a heterocyclic amine, the nitrogen atom is part of an aliphatic or aromatic ring. 340 Chem 1st 1439

4 Nomenclature of amines A.Common Name of amines
Common Names are formed from the names of the alkyl groups bonded to nitrogen, followed by the suffix -amine. The prefixes di-, tri-, and tetra- are used to describe two, three, or four identical substituents. Methylamine Benzyl methyl amine Trimethyl amine 340 Chem 1st 1439

5 B. IUPAC nomenclature of amines
The IUPAC nomenclature for amines is similar to that for alcohols. The longest continuous chain of carbon atoms determines the root name. The - e ending in the alkane name is changed to -amine, and a number shows the position of the amino group along the chain. Other substituents on the carbon chain are given numbers, and the prefix N- is used for each substituent on nitrogen. 340 Chem 1st 1439

6 Naming Of Aromatic Amines
Some common arylamines have the following names: Aniline (benzenamine) o-Toluidine m-Aminophenol p-Anisidine (4-methoxybenzenamine) 340 Chem 1st 1439

7 Physical Properties of Amines Solubility
Amines are strongly polar because the large dipole moment of the lone pair of electrons adds to the dipole moments of the C-N and H-N bonds. Primary and secondary amines have N-H bonds, allowing them to form hydrogen bonds. Pure tertiary amines cannot engage in hydrogen bonding because they have no N-H bonds. They can, however, accept hydrogen bonds from molecules having O¬H or N¬H bonds. 340 Chem 1st 1439

8 Boiling point Because nitrogen is less electronegative than oxygen, the N-H bond is less polar than the O-H bond. Therefore, amines form weaker hydrogen bonds than do alcohols of similar molecular weights. Primary and secondary amines have boiling points that are lower than those of alcohols, yet higher than those of ethers of similar molecular weights. With no hydrogen bonding, tertiary amines have lower boiling points than primary and secondary amines of similar molecular weights. 340 Chem 1st 1439

9 Basicity of Amines: Amine Salts
Amines are relatively weak bases. Most are stronger bases than water but are far weaker bases than hydroxide ions, alkoxide ions, and alkanide anions. Aromatic amines less basic than aliphatic amines Electron donating (releasing) groups on N atom increase the basicity Electron withdrawing groups decrease the basicity 340 Chem 1st 1439

10 Amine’s syntheses Reduction of nitro compounds Ar-NO2 + H2,Ni  Ar-NH2
Ammonolysis of 1o or methyl halides R-X + NH3  R-NH2 Reductive amination R2C=O NH3, H2, Ni  R2CHNH2 Reduction of nitriles R-CN H2, Ni  RCH2NH2 Hofmann degradation of amides RCONH KOBr  RNH2 340 Chem 1st 1439

11 1. Reduction of nitro compounds
340 Chem 1st 1439

12 340 Chem 1st 1439

13 2. Ammonolysis of 1o or methyl halides
340 Chem 1st 1439

14 340 Chem 1st 1439

15 340 Chem 1st 1439

16 SN2 Reactions of Alkyl Halides
Ammonia and other amines are good nucleophiles 340 Chem 1st 1439

17 3. Reductive amination 340 Chem 1st 1439

18 340 Chem 1st 1439

19 Reductive amination via the imine.
340 Chem 1st 1439

20 340 Chem 1st 1439

21 4. Reduction of nitriles R-CN + 2 H2, catalyst  R-CH2NH2 1o amine
R-X NaCN  R-CN  RCH2NH2 primary amine with one additional carbon (R must be 1o or methyl) 340 Chem 1st 1439

22 Examples 340 Chem 1st 1439

23 5. Hofmann degradation of amides
340 Chem 1st 1439

24 Outline possible laboratory syntheses for each of the following amines, starting with toluene. Use a different method for each compound. 340 Chem 1st 1439

25 Hofmann and Curtius Rearrangements
Carboxylic acid derivatives can be converted into primary amines with loss of one carbon atom by both the Hofmann rearrangement and the Curtius rearrangement 340 Chem 1st 1439

26 Hofmann rearrangement
deprotonation of the amide by the base to form an anion which then attacks the halogen to form a N-haloamide. 2. deprotonation by the base provides an anion that rearranges to an isocyanate intermediate and releases a halide anion. 3. The isocyanate is attacked by water which after a series of proton transfer step results in a zwitterionic intermediate, containing an ammonium cation and a carboxylate anion. 4. Thermal conditions result in the explosion of carbon dioxide gas and quenching of the ammonium cation to the amine product 340 Chem 1st 1439

27 Curtius rearrangement
340 Chem 1st 1439

28 Amine Reactions Reaction as Bases: Salt Formation Amide Formation
Reaction with Nitrous Acid 340 Chem 1st 1439

29 Amine Reactions with Nitrous Acid
Primary amines: Diazotization Secondary Amines: Nitrosamine formation Tertiary Amines: C-nitroso com 340 Chem 1st 1439

30 Mechanism of Diazonium salt formation 1
340 Chem 1st 1439

31 Mechanism of Diazonium salt formation 2
340 Chem 1st 1439

32 Diazonium Salt Reactions
340 Chem 1st 1439

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