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Important Dates/Reminders

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1 Important Dates/Reminders
Math In the Everyday Math Program (EDM), students will engage in activities working with attribute blocks, making shapes, and building numbers. We will also explore capacity and weight. Practice counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s at home! Science/SS/Health Science: we will be exploring weather patterns. Social Studies: the focus for January is School as a Social Unit Health: we are leaning how to communicate with others and use interpersonal skills. Reading / Writing Shared Reading: we will continue using big books to learn our concepts of print. Reader’s Workshop: Students will learn how to follow a pattern while reading a book. Fundations: This month we will be learning how to tap out words. Read Aloud: This month’s skill is story elements and retelling. Writing: we are writing pattern books. Important Dates/Reminders January 3: School reopens January 16: No School January 20: January Scholastic orders due January 29: EBEF Harlem Wizards Event (doors open at 2pm)

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