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Quarterly Reflection Tool Workshop

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2 Quarterly Reflection Tool Workshop
Welcome – introductions/Name – title

3 Quarterly Reflection Tool Workshop
The purpose of this workshop is to educate you on how to analyze your Sales and Productivity per hour, for each day of the week. Understanding this tool will allow you to know where hours need to be added or taken away in order to improve the overall efficiency and profitability of the salon. Read slide.

4 Quarterly Reflection Tool - Exercise
The following is needed to perform this exercise: Daily Detail Report (Productive Hours) Monthly Financial Report (Total Service Sales) Schedule Forecaster Quarterly reflection tool worksheet (11 x 17) List of reports and tools needed for the workshop: (Read slide) These reports can be found in iOffice under Reports – Sales – Daily Detail, Monthly Financial and Schedule Forecaster

5 Quarterly Reflection Tool - Exercise
The following is needed to perform this exercise: Steps for using the tool & cheat sheet Managers tool worksheet Pencil, calculator or smartphone List of reports and tools needed for the workshop: (Read slide)

6 Quarterly Reflection Tool - Exercise
The goal is to increase Production Per Hour (PPH). Once you know the average PPH, then set a PPH goal The PPH average and goal helps determine where to schedule your hours Read slide.

7 True Story A few years back, we were asked to work with a Franchisee that wanted to sell his salons. The Payroll was too high which was affecting his Profit Margin Read slide and elaborate

8 We decided to perform the Quarterly Reflection Exercise on his salons
True Story We decided to perform the Quarterly Reflection Exercise on his salons Read slide and elaborate

9 True Story We concluded that there were challenges with the schedule:
Too many hours People scheduled where they shouldn’t be Production per hour was too low Payroll was too high Read slide and elaborate

10 Quarterly Reflection Tool
There are two ways to perform the exercise: Method #1: Salon Manager records the Total Service Sales and Hours on the blank worksheet and the exercise is done at the end of the business quarter (13 weeks) Method #2: The Total Service Sales and Hours are taken from the POS reports for the previous business quarter You have an example of the worksheet that will walk through when we work on the exercise We would normally recommend for seasoned Franchisees that they use method #2, because if this is the first time they would want to be able to react on the schedule immediately and not wait 13 weeks to gather the data For New franchisees we would recommend to use after 6 months of sales and use Method #1 Note: In this exercise we will used Method #2, as we needed to be able to make immediate changes to the schedule

11 Quarterly Reflection Tool - Exercise
The following is needed to perform this exercise when using Method #2 Daily Detail Report (Productive Hours) Monthly Financial Report (Total Service Sales) Schedule Forecaster These reports can be found in iOffice under Reports – Sales – Daily Detail, Monthly Financial and Schedule Forecaster

12 Pencil, Calculator or Smart phone
You will need a pencil a calculator or your phone using the calculator app

13 When using method #2 here is where you will find the production hours
31.16 When using method #2 here is where you will find the production hours

14 Monthly Financial Report
You will find the Net Service Sales on the Monthly Financial Report

15 Example of the Schedule Forecaster for the same time frame being examined
Explain actual sales vs. room for growth

16 Keep on the screen for display
Review steps 1 – 6, from the handout.

17 Example of findings with the Schedule Forecaster
Sunday – Needs a minimum of 14 hours to cover Hours Number of Stylists Required Hours to Cover 10:00 – 12:00 2 4 12:00 – 1:00 3 1:00 – 2:00 2:00 – 3:00 3:00 – 4:00 14 Walk through Sunday example. This explains the importance of the Look and Walk and Walkout tabs.

18 Exercise: Keep on the screen for display
Walk through Sunday all the way down to the white boxes (next to the pink boxes) and explain it all the way through. Have them fill in Monday - Saturday.

19 Schedule Forecaster Best Practices
The price of the haircut needs to be set in the POS to match the base haircut price of the salon The PPH needs to be set based on the goal for the salon The Look and Walk and Walkouts settings need to be turned on so they can be included in the numbers Read slide 19

20 Hours to cover according to the Schedule Forecaster
Sunday – 14 hours Monday – 21 hours Tuesday – 21 hours Wednesday – 20 Hours Thursday – 22 Hours Friday – 23 Hours Saturday – 26 hours Total Hours = 146 Explain look & walk and walkouts and they were not using these tools. The hours are only for the actual business they did, not what they could have done.

21 Quarterly Reflection Tool Exercise
Determine day-by-day any changes that need to be made in the hours, keeping in mind what we already know: Haircut price point: $15.00 PPH goal = $30.00 Average PPH= $19.87 the average PPH of $19.87 is for the quarter. This indicates there is room for growth. This tool is on an Excel spreadsheet so all you have to figure out is the ranking in the pink boxes. The numbers will calculate for you. 21

22 Quarterly Reflection Tool Results
Hours are reduced overall by 33.82 The savings are $10.00 (AVG hourly wage) X 33.82, which calculates out to $ Multiply $ X 52 weeks in a year. The results are $17, in savings of payroll dollars per year! Read slide Remember this is a real life situation, they went from 208 hours to 175. 22

23 Questions?

24 Scheduling

25 Have you ever experienced challenges when developing weekly schedule?
Scheduling Have you ever experienced challenges when developing weekly schedule? Ask: How many of you enjoy making the weekly schedule? It’s amazing how the hours on a schedule can add up without even realizing it. 25

26 Exercise The newly recommended hours are at the bottom of each day
Complete Friday and Saturday of the schedule with the recommended hours for each day, so it totals 175 hours for the week This falls in line with what we usually recommend to schedule hours per week Read slide Use your schedule forecaster handout example to decide what hours to schedule 165 – 175 hours are recommended so there is enough coverage to capture missed opportunities and prevent walk outs. 26

STORE: ________ DATE ____/____/____ NAME SUNDAY 10 - 4 MONDAY 9 - 7 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 9-7 TOTALS Debbie (Mgr) off 9 - 4 12 - 7 Anita (shift mgr) 9 - 3 Steve (FT) 10 – 4 11 - 7 9 - 1 Erin (PT) 4 - 7 12 - 6 Cheyenne (PT) 11 - 4 12 - 5 3 - 7 Marielle (PT) Sarah (PT) 17 25 26 32 175 Use pre-made schedule and have them fill in Friday and Saturday with the recommended hours. Remember to have 2 people working at all times. This does not include lunch breaks and opening and closing Allow 15 minutes to complete The Scheduling class is a separate workshop, this is just a sampling of what the tool will help you determine for scheduling your hours.

28 This is what Sunday should look like for coverage according to the Schedule Forecaster results

29 True Story Results The store hours are now scheduled to meet the needs of the guest flow The staff works the hours that are busier so there is less down time Their paychecks are bigger because they are being more efficient with their time Read Slide 29

30 True Story Results The salon has decreased the payroll costs
Based on the results discovered using the Quarterly Reflection Tool the Franchisee decided not to sell his salons. It was a win-win-win for all! Read slide 30

31 Quarterly Reflection Tool - Recap
The goal is to increase Production Per Hour (PPH). Once you know the average PPH, then set a PPH goal The PPH average and goal helps determine where to schedule your hours Read slide 31

32 Scheduling Exercise- Recap
The store hours should be scheduled to meet the needs of the guest flow The staff should work the hours that are the busiest so there is less down time With effective scheduling the salon will decrease payroll costs Read slide 32

33 Questions?

34 Thank you!

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