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(you will need a calculator and your periodic table)

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1 (you will need a calculator and your periodic table)
Molar Mass Power Point (you will need a calculator and your periodic table)

2 To determine the molar mass of ONE element we use the atomic mass from the periodic table

3 1. What is the molar mass of Carbon?
C = (1)(12.01) = g/mol

4 2. What is the molar mass of Sodium?
Na = (1)(22.99) = 22.99 g/mol

5 3. What is the molar mass of Barium?

6 If there are more than one atom of the element than we multiply the atomic mass and how many of the element together

7 4. What is the molar mass of H2?
H2 = 2.02 g/mol

8 5. What is the molar mass of O2?
O2 = g/mol

9 6. What is the molar mass of B3?
B3 = g/mol

10 If there are more than one element in a compound then we must add together the mass of ALL the elements.

11 7. What is the molar mass of NaCl?
= NaCl = g/mol

12 8. What is the molar mass of H2O?
H2O = g/mol

13 9. What is the molar mass of MgCl2?
MgCl2 = g/mol

14 Remember the role of parenthesis
Remember the role of parenthesis. If a number is outside the parenthesis then it is multiplied by all the elements inside the parenthesis.

15 10. What is the molar mass of Mg(NO3)2?
Mg(NO3)2 = g/mol

16 11. What is the molar mass of 2 K(MnO4)2?
K = (2)(39.10) = Mn = (4)(54.94) = O = (16)(16) = K(MnO4)2 = g/mol

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