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Fungi Chapter 17.

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Presentation on theme: "Fungi Chapter 17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fungi Chapter 17

2 Fungi eukaryotic, nonphotosynthetic organisms, and most are multicellular heterotrophs.

3 Fungi Most are microscopic molds or yeasts
Yeasts – unicellular fungi whose colonies resemble those of bacteria Molds – are tangled masses of filaments of cells

4 Fungi Get their nutrients by absorbing organic molecules from their environment Most are saprophytic organisms

5 Fungi Dimorphism – ability to exist in two different forms
Reproduce both sexually and asexually


7 Fungi Mycorrhizae – a symbiotic structure formed by a fungus and plant roots Lichens – a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner. Will see them growing on rocks – decompose the rock to produce soil

8 Human Fungal Diseases Athletes foot Ringworm Yeast infections
Jock itch Histoplasmosis

9 Fungi in Industry Antibiotics – penicillium, cephalosporin, and the anti-inflammatory cortisone Genetic engineering – manipulating yeast cells Yeast is used in making ethanol

10 Fungi and Food Industries
Yeast Mushrooms – club fungi Truffles Morels

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