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Capital Facilities Program Update San Rafael City Schools

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Presentation on theme: "Capital Facilities Program Update San Rafael City Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Capital Facilities Program Update San Rafael City Schools
October 10, 2016

2 Syllabus OVERVIEW Program Progress Typical Project Tasks and Timelines
Stadium Project Update Proposition 39 Clean Energy Overview San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16

3 San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16
Program progress

4 Moving Our Facility Work Forward
Master Implementation Plan School Site Architectural Assignment San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Bond Issuance Coordination Refined Construction Budget & Schedule Board to Review & Consider Adoption School Site Design Committees San Rafael & Madrone H.S. & HY Terra Linda H.S. & DLM - Davidson & QKA – 10/7 - San Pedro & HY - 10/13 - Glenwood & DLM - 10/14 Launch Site Committees Complete Construction 101 training for each school site Principals are currently recruiting committee members Programing, Prioritizing, and Design Discussions begin late October/ November

5 San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16
Check List

6 Check List: Program Steps and Components
✔ ✔ Adopt Program Maps as foundations for implementation ✔ ✔ Bond Website (Live) ✔ ✔ Stadium DSA Submittal Underway Develop Master Implementation Plan, Budget, and Schedules Underway Facilities Use Agreement Board Policy – Board Workshop Underway Establish management and accounting systems, protocols Underway Proposition 39 Energy Efficiency Plan (EEP) Underway Establish School-Site Design Committees w/ architect assignments Underway School community work with project teams on designs, priorities, and details. Underway Creating and Issuing RFP/Q's for support Services Underway Establishing Invoicing & Payment Protocol Underway Analyzing Project Delivery Methodologies Underway Constructibility Review on Stadium Project Underway Updating & Auditing Construction Cost Estimate for Stadium Project Underway Working with Dave & Staff on creating District Standards Underway Analyzing Program Cash flow Projections Underway Finalizing Construction 101 with remaining Principals Underway AIA Assignment Meetings Underway Underway Working with AIA Teams on Proposals for upcoming Projects Underway Meetings regarding Interim Housing & Swing Space Underway Working with AIA Teams on Documents needed for Programming Underway Validating Program Maps & Confirming Project Prioritization Underway Coordinating Information Required under CEQA Underway Establishing Preliminary Contact with Local Agencies San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16

7 San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16
Next Steps

8 Next Steps Master Implementation Plan
Program and Project detail Costs, Sequencing, Budgets and Schedule Updates, Factors, and Projections Master Implementation Plan ready for adoption School Site Design Committees Underway Architects Selection Matching Process Pre-qualification of General Contractors Present Projects to Board Project: Descriptions, Scopes, Budgets, & Schedules Design checkpoints: Schematic Design, Plans & Budget Construction Documents, Plans & Budget Board Actions: Consultants’ Contracts Contractor Prequalification Design Checkpoints CEQA Findings Contracts for Construction San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Natu Collaborate with schools on designs and details with establishment of School Site Design Committees. Obtain Agency Approval, Bidding Construction begins! Begin Project Specific Programming & Design

9 Typical Project Tasks and Timelines
San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Typical Project Tasks and Timelines

10 Schedule for a Typical Project – Approximate Durations will Vary Based on Size of Project
Programming 30 Days Schematic Design 90 Days Design Development 60 Days Construction Documents DSA Approval 180 Days Bidding Bidding Analysis 5 Days Contract Preparation 10 Days Board Approval 1 Day Construction (Depends on Size) 6-20 Months San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Summary: Preconstruction – 16 Months +/ Construction – 6 to 20 Months

11 Stadium Schedule Update
San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Stadium Schedule Update

12 Stadium Schedule Update
CEQA Current through March 2017 Agency Approval Current through February 2017 Constructability Review Current through February 2017 Contractor Prequalification November 2016 through December 2016 Bidder Recruitment Current through February 2017 Bid Period February 2017 through March 2017 Contract Award April 2017 Notice to Proceed April 2017 Construction April 2017 through November 2017 San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Stadium Schedule Update

13 Proposition 39: Clean Energy Jobs Act Funding Review
San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Proposition 39: Clean Energy Jobs Act Funding Review

14 Proposition 39: Clean Energy Jobs Act Funding Review
San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16

15 Prop. 39 Topics Proposition 39 Background Funding for SRCS
San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Proposition 39 Background Funding for SRCS How do we access funds? Priority Projects Moving Forward

16 Prop. 39 Background CA Dept. of Education (CDE) determines allocation
San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 The California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop. 39) changed the corporate income tax code and allocates projected revenue to California's General Fund and the Clean Energy Job Creation Fund for five fiscal years, beginning with fiscal year Under the initiative, roughly up to $550 million annually is available for appropriation by the Legislature for eligible projects to improve energy efficiency and expand clean energy generation in schools. CA Dept. of Education (CDE) determines allocation Based on ADA and other criteria formula CA Energy Commission (CEC) approves funding Energy Expenditure Plans (EEP’s) submitted by Districts CDE provides apportionments

17 Prop. 39 Funding for SRCS San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 2013–14 2014–15 2015–16 Totals Energy Expenditure Plan (EEP) Amount Approved** Election Two Year Funding* Award Allocation Planning Funds Paid EEP Funds Paid Award Allocation Remaining SRCESD SRCHSD $0 $205,015 $188,504 $180,128 $573,647 $113,619 $86,466 $83,768 $283,853 3 Years of funding allocations to date as shown above 2016/17 state budget includes slightly higher funding Allocations haven’t been posted yet by CDE 5 years estimated totals ESD= $950,000 HSD= $470,000 Using local bond funds to leverage Prop. 39 project funding is appropriate and allows larger, deeper energy efficiency projects.

18 How do we access funds? San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Collaborating with Marin County Sustainability Energy Team Joint funding for assistance from PG&E and County Work on track Energy audits—utility data on gas/electric use Identify and Prioritize projects On-site systems review Establish cost effectiveness of identified projects—Savings/Investment ratio Complete submittal of our SRCS Energy Efficiency Plan to CEC

19 Priority Projects Elementary & High School Districts
District-wide Energy Management System. Replace and upgrade existing system in conjunction with Bond Program upgrades. San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 Elementary School District Venetia Valley: Multi-Purpose/Gym/Library Lighting Retrofits. Davidson: Boiler Replacement to high efficiency; Air conditioning system upgrades as part of extension to Admin building (part of Bond Program) Glenwood: HVAC system upgrades, furnaces to high efficiency, Water heater upgrades

20 Priority Projects (continued)
San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16 High School District Terra Linda HS: Renewable Energy System and EV Charging Stations in parking lots. San Rafael: AD Building Boiler replacement. Install new high efficiency boiler in conjunction with installation of chiller for AC (part of Bond Program); Field Lighting upgrades from existing to LED, as part of the stadium renovations (Bond Program)

21 Moving Forward… Marin Energy Management Team PG&E Smart Lights Program
Providing updated analysis for identified projects PG&E Smart Lights Program Utilizing for stand-alone lighting retrofits SRCS team coordinating the work Bond Program & Maintenance Preparing Energy Efficiency Plans for CEC San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16

22 San Rafael City Schools 10/10/16

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