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HW4 Review Case Classes.

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1 HW4 Review Case Classes

2 Case Classes Why? Immutable classes with ctor parameters. Easier than defining setters and getters and a class for them. Reduces Boilerplate from J2EE EJBs e005 How to move the common weight into abstract class?

3 Case Class For weight move into ABC abstract class CodeTree2 {
val name:String def weight:Int } case class Fork3(left: CodeTree, right: CodeTree, chars: List[Char], weight: Int) extends CodeTree case class Leaf3(char: Char, weight: Int) extends CodeTree object foo2 extends Application{ val l3 = Leaf3('a',1) println(l3.weight) val f3 = Fork3(l3, Leaf3('b',2),List('c'),4) println(f3.weight) 1 4 For weight move into ABC def weight(tree: CodeTree): Int = { tree.weight

4 Case classes Autoimplement getters/setters & no instanceof needed. Return ivars from ctor args def chars(tree: CodeTree): List[Char] = tree match{ case Fork(_, _, chars, _) => chars case Leaf(char, _) => List(char) }

5 MakeCodeTree Fork is for combining 2 CodeTrees, to add lists together use ++ or :::. def makeCodeTree(left: CodeTree, right: CodeTree) = Fork(left, right, chars(left) ++ chars(right), weight(left) + weight(right))

6 times def times(chars: List[Char]): List[(Char, Int)] = {
def timesAcc(chars:List[Char],acc:Map[Char,(Char,Int)]):Map[Char,(Char,Int)] = chars match { case Nil => acc case x::xs => if (acc contains x) {val tmpacc=acc.updated(x,(x,acc(x)._2+1));timesAcc(xs,tmpacc)} else {val tmpacc=acc+(x->(x,1));timesAcc(xs,tmpacc)}; } timesAcc(chars,Map()).values.toList This is a good time to practice. Reduce number of new things to learn. Remove pairs, remove return Implement def times(chars:List[Chars]) and put in print statements to show what is happening

7 Iterating through list
//iterate through the list def testMe2(chars:List[Char]):Unit={ def testMe2Acc(chars:List[Char]) = chars match{ case Nil => println("testMe2 match empty list") case x::xs => println("testMe2 not empty List x:"+x+",xs:"+xs); testMe2(xs) } testMe2Acc(chars) Write test code to verify your print statements match what is happening and you can iterate through the list.

8 Add accumulator def testMe3(chars:List[Char]):Unit={
def testMe3Acc(chars:List[Char],acc:Map[Char,Int]):Unit = chars match{ case Nil => println("testMe3 match empty list") case x::xs => println("testMe3 not empty List x:"+x+",xs:"+xs);println("acc:"+acc); if (acc contains x) {val tmpacc=acc.updated(x,acc(x)+1);println("contains acc after add+"+tmpacc);testMe3Acc(xs,tmpacc)} else {println("not contains adding");val tmpacc=acc+(x->1);print("acc after add:"+tmpacc);testMe3Acc(xs,tmpacc)}; } testMe3Acc(chars,Map())

9 Add Pairs w/no return type
//make pairs, w/o return type def testMe5(chars:List[Char]):Unit={ def testMe5Acc(chars:List[Char],acc:Map[Char,(Char,Int)]):Unit = chars match{ case Nil => println("testMe5 empty list"); case x::xs => println("testMe5 char:"+x);println("acc before insert:"+acc); if (acc contains x) {val tmpacc=acc.updated(x,(x,acc(x)._2+1));println("tmpacc+"+tmpacc);testMe5Acc(xs,tmpacc)} else {println("not contains adding");val tmpacc=acc+(x->(x,1));print("acc after add:"+tmpacc);testMe5Acc(xs,tmpacc)}; } testMe5Acc(chars,Map())

10 Add map return and convert to list
def testMe6(chars:List[Char]):List[(Char,Int)]={ def testMe6Acc(chars:List[Char],acc:Map[Char,(Char,Int)]):Map[Char,(Char,Int)] = chars match{ case Nil => println("testMe6 empty list");acc case x::xs => println("testMe6 char:"+x);println("acc before insert:"+acc); if (acc contains x) {val tmpacc=acc.updated(x,(x,acc(x)._2+1));println("tmpacc+"+tmpacc);testMe6Acc(xs,tmpacc)} else {println("not contains adding");val tmpacc=acc+(x->(x,1));print("acc after add:"+tmpacc);testMe6Acc(xs,tmpacc)}; } testMe6Acc(chars,Map()).values.toList

11 Final answer for times def times(chars: List[Char]): List[(Char, Int)] = { def timesAcc(chars:List[Char],acc:Map[Char,(Char,Int)]):Map[Char,(Char,Int)] = chars match { case Nil => acc case x::xs => if (acc contains x) {val tmpacc=acc.updated(x,(x,acc(x)._2+1));timesAcc(xs,tmpacc)} else {val tmpacc=acc+(x->(x,1));timesAcc(xs,tmpacc)}; } timesAcc(chars,Map()).values.toList

12 Sort list then convert Pairs to leaf
def makeOrderedLeafList(freqs: List[(Char, Int)]): List[Leaf] = { freqs.sortBy(Tuple2 => Tuple2._2).map(Tuple2 => Leaf(Tuple2._1, Tuple2._2)) }

13 Singleton def singleton(trees:List[CodeTree]):Boolean ={
if (trees.length == 1) true false }

14 Combine, 2 examples Tree match & no tree match
def combine(trees: List[CodeTree]): List[CodeTree] = trees match{ case first::second::restofList => { val ct = makeCodeTree(first,second) val large = trees.filter(x=>weight(x)>weight(ct)) return ct::large } case _ => println("less than 2"); trees //if less than 2 return trees def combine2(trees: List[CodeTree]): List[CodeTree] = { if (trees.length>=2) { val ct = makeCodeTree(trees.head,trees(2)) trees

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